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Please get Larry out of here

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Basketball (Men) Please get Larry out of here

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  • Author
    • #124024
      11 2
      Ghost of the HEB
    • #124027
      Tony (admin)

      Link edited for clarity

    • #124028
      3 1

      Now he is losing players before they even arrive.

      Find the money from donors to pay LK off and get him out of here.  I am beyond frustrated!!!

    • #124032
      1 1
      Larry B

      Time to boycott men’s basketball until he’s gone.

    • #124034
      3 2

      Boy, now the LarryK defenders don’t even have the “better players are coming in” argument to stand on.

      Does Larry even know there is a problem? And if he does, is he even attempting to fix it?

      So sad to see how he chooses to run the program.

      • #124040
        2 1

        Really? That’s your take on this situation? To call out the LarryK defenders?

        • #124043
          4 1

          Uuhh . . Yeah . . . considering how ardently they defend a coach who has lost over 50% of the players he has recruited, yeah, that’s my take on the situation. I’m beyond being upset or sad about transfers. At this point it has become the expected outcome.

          • #124095

            Are we defending him or just saying there’s nothing we can do because Hill made a bed that we must all sleep in for a while.

            • #124150

              Excusing transfer after transfer after transfer is 100% defending him.

              If their position was that there’s nothing we can do because of his contract, then I would imagine they would have a problem with the transfers as well, but they don’t. Larry’s defenders excuse the transfers saying things like “transfers happen everywhere” and “those players weren’t very good” or “those players were locker room problems” or some other excuse. They refuse to see a problem with a coach losing over 50% of the players he has brought in, many of whom were his highest rated recruits.  

    • #124036

      Lohner’s request to be released has nothing to do with “Larry Krystkowiak”.  It has to do with “tampering”.

      Remember when James Empey signed his NLI with Utah back in 2015, and then went on a mission?  While he was on his mission, ybU-p hired his dad.  Upon returning from his mission, Empey reneged on his NLI to Utah to transfer south to ybU-p and play for his dad.

      (and after signing with ybU-p, ybU-p promptly fired his dad)

      The same thing is going on here with Lohner.  Lohner signed his NLI with Utah last November.  Since then, ybU-p had hired Caleb Lohner’s dad.  And no sooner had Caleb’s dad been hired, Mark Pope and his staff have been in contact with Caleb.  And now Caleb wants to transfer to ybU-p.

      So, no, this nothing to do with Coach K.  This is about an NCAA violation of athlete tampering.

      • #124037
        1 2

        This makes it seem worst imo that he can’t keep him. Doesn’t matter what he does at this point. Coach is dead man walking. 

      • #124038

        This very well may be the case, but when someone has a long history of problems like this, then they still get the blame even when they might not have done anything wrong.

        It’s like someone who is constantly getting in trouble for showing up late to work for stupid reasons and then one day gets fired for showing up late to work because someone rear-ended them. It’s a totally legit excuse and no fault of their own, but it doesn’t matter. They have a history.



      • #124042
        Tony (admin)

        Are we only able to get players to play here if we hire their dad?

        • #124044

          Are we only able to get players to play here if we hire their dad?

          Apparently. And apparently that applies to BYU-Provo too.

    • #124041
      1 2

      ☝🏻 This 100 percent this. There is also no guarantee that Rimmy Allen will be back.

    • #124047
      2 1

      Read the article.  His Dad has a job a new job at BYU.  Larry needs to produce next year, but regardless of Lohner, the cupboards are still full.  Time to see how it plays out.

    • #124048

      I have always defended Larry K when it came to transfers because it always seemed like we improved. This is not a good look regardless of how good this kid is or if he would have even got playing time. Transfers aside I’m getting tired of waiting for the W’s. Basketball needs to produce this year because I can’t sit through another rebuild. This team has too much talent to not win this year.

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