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Please tell your favourite and/or craziest Bill and Nada’s story, nostalgia time

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc Please tell your favourite and/or craziest Bill and Nada’s story, nostalgia time

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    • #144516


    • #144518
      1 1

      I once went to Bill and Nada’s late into the night having eaten a 10-strip of Lysergic acid diethylamide a couple hours earlier. I don’t remember much, other than feeling pleased that our table juke box was my friend. I’m sure I didn’t eat anything, but we did play Patsy Cline continuously. One of my fellow trippers played pinball, but it felt too violent and, well, impossible to make my hands push the buttons. We finished the trip in my apartment, and I was still feeling the acid and Patsy bubbling in my head during my morning class.

    • #144521

      Why, did you work there? I like cheese.

      • #144524

        I never worked there, no. It was simply the best place to be for a nerdy, weirdo late night in Salt Lake in the 90s. Bill was a bad-ass.

        • #144539

          I made the mistake of eating at Arby’s today.

          • #144549

            I have yet to make that mistake in my life. However, I’m to understand that they have the meats.

    • #144526

      Nothing interesting ever happened when I was in there.

    • #144527

      My father was a regular in the place.  He was a Salt Lake City police officer, and also ran a Brake Shop on 4th south and 8th East.  He was LDS, at least partially because he fell in love with a Mormon girl and married her, and joining the church must have been part of the deal.  

      Bill and Nada’s was where he went for coffee – by himself, or with friends, but not with family.

      When I was attending East High School in the early 70’s, i was kicked out of school, for some minor transgression, and my father came to the school in uniform and in a police car to pick me up.  As we left the school, he said, let’s get a cup of coffee and discuss this (the transgression).  I assumed that meant we were going to Bill and Nada’s,  but he took us instead to Big Ed’s (the original building at <span style=”color: #202124;font-family: Roboto, arial, sans-serif”>1318 E 200 S </span>just west of the University Pharmacy, which at that time had Bimbo’s in the basement, later to be replaced by The Pie.)

      I was disappointed, as I had been to Bill and Nada’s on my own with friends, but never with my father.  I asked him why we weren’t going to B&N, and he answered something like,

      “I’d never go into that place in uniform”.

      We had a great chat, and a good cup of coffee, but I never did get the opportunity to go to Bill and Nada’s with him.

      Now that I’m on the subject of Big Ed’s; that was my hangout in high school and in college. I used to go there with friends, drink coffee and play pinball.  We had a favorite William’s brand machine, called the EXPO (in fact the transgression that had be suspended from school wsa probably sluffing to play pinball at Ed’s.)  Later, in my mid 20’s, I had a chance to purchase one of several used pinball machines from a distributor in SLC.  I went to the wearhouse, found that they infact had an EXPO, and purchased it.  I later leanred from the company that leased and serviced them for restaurants, that the machine i purchased was the one that had been in Ed’s.

      It’s in my garage awaiting some repair and replacement of a couple of relays, before returning to the bar room in my basement.



    • #144529

      My mother in law was a lifelong waitress and Bill and Nada’s. Her Mom my wife’s Grandma was the day to day manager.

      I ate there hundreds of times mostly for breakfasts and lunches. Being family we got pretty good discounts.

      Bill would come in and shake hands with the counter regulars.

      Not much happened towards the end everybody was older and their wild days were behind them.

      I guess the craziest story I heard was Bill was messing around with a married women and the upset husband came in and took a shot at bill. He missed but the wagon wheel light fixture he shot was still there with the hole in it til the day the restaurant closed.

      Bill was a regular in the July 24th parade. He would dress up in his finest cowboy clothes and ride his house down the streets. He would hand out candy to the kids along the route. He loved that the most.

      I never meet Nada she passed before I started dating my wife.

      After his passing the restaurant went to his second wife who didn’t want it so her asshole son who didn’t like Bill or get along with him sold the property to trolley square.

      • #144557

        I think he was actually shot 5 times but survived. What a badass!

    • #144530

      Thank you for the stories, y’all!

    • #144556
      Tony (admin)

      Hd pancakes there. The pancakes were greenish in color. I thought that was weird. 

    • #144560

      A hundred some odd years ago as a Pi Kap pledge I drank an amazing amout of keg beer and the next morning accompanied some friends there for breakfast. I didn’t want to eat, I just wanted to find a hole, climb in and die. someone handed me a plate of brains and eggs, i took one bite and asked what it was, when i realized what i was eating i puked all over the booth. 

      I came to two conclusions that day, I will never eat brains again, and Fraternity life was not for me. 

    • #144575

      Brains and eggs, never had them but did see others have them. Is this even done anymore outside of Asia?

      • #144594

        B@N were well known for their eggs an brians breaksfasts, outside of them I think you need to travel to Portugal to find the delicay. 


        Not sure why I got a down arrow, the OP asked for favorite/craziest stories that was mine, I ate there many other times avoiding the brians and loved the place. maybe it was the farternity diss, I just felt like it was an extension of highschool and just wasn’t my scene. 

        • #144622

          I changed my opinion. My thumbs-down came from my thoughts about the wait staff having to clean up your vomit. Seemed quite selfish, but, then, I realized so was my playing of ‘I Fall to Pieces’ eighty times in a row.

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