Position concern going forward

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Position concern going forward

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    • #101909
      5 8

      Hi, New to the message board.  Quick intro.  Ute allum living in Idaho.  Coached High School Football for awhile.

      Having gone back and watched the game again without all the drama, I can’t help but notice the LB not named Bernard is a serious liability.  I’m not here to single anyone out and certainly there is a steep learning curve and big shoes to fill but he seems totally out of place.  He basically held up a blocker the entire game.  Speed, instictiveness, aggressiveness were all absent.  Seriously he just looked lost when the rest were ball hawking.  Just sayin as one who has been around football a long time, I am worried.  To be great we can’t have just a warm body at that position.  Go back and watch…Really hoping he can get up to speed fast

    • #101911

      Ute Alumnus. sorry typing fast

    • #101920
      3 1
      Central Coast Ute

      You’re probably more of a football savant than I am, but he was tied for the most tackles on the team with 5 and had three solo tackles.

      • #101926

        I havent watched game again but seemed like his assignment most the night was to shadow wilson. That being said, didnt hear his name on runs. But need to review tape.

    • #101931
      2 4

      ^ this.  

      What they got is a player who is athletic but doesn’t really know how to play the LB position.  Coaches/ homers keep saying he’s getting better but I don’t see it.

      I like your insiight – keep posting 

      • #101933
        6 1

        It’s nice that you’re not clever enough to not put your sock puppets.

        Also, he’s a sophomore.

        Also, he had several tackles.

        Also, any time Whitless agrees with you is a sign that you’re wrong. Although that by itself is certainly not dispositive.

      • #101946

    • #101936

      That was a vanilla defense. Very plain. I am not worried at all. Utah gives up nothing until USC.

    • #101938
      3 1

      Soooo now there’s a Pace in Michigan, Idaho. I’m sure another “poster” will be appear from Spokane and “like his insight.” *eye roll*

    • #101943
      1 1

      Just an observation wondering if anyone else saw the same. I guess not.

      I’m the first to admit I hope I’m wrong.  Going to be addressed in film this week I assure you…

      • #101948

        The only question I have is will Utah run that defense against any Conference opponent?? It is just hard to take anything from the film. Utah held them to 12 points to I just don’t find it worrisome.

    • #101968
      Dante Guardi

      all i remember was that he had a great tackle on Bushman on a 3rd and 2 and that play forced a BYU punt

      • #102132

        It wasn’t a great tackle imo. Knocked him back a bit but the pursuit (blackmon) cleaned up if we are thinking of the same play. I agree 100 percent with OP on this one. I’m not worried but Lloyd looked stiff, didnt shed blocks, was caught inside, beat on the reverse. Did have a couple good flashes which gives me hope.

        I’m most interested in seeing his improvement next week if he still gets the start.

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