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Post Season Pick Em Contest Discussion

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Pac-12 Post Season Pick Em Contest Discussion

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    • #19100
      Tony (admin)

      There are two regular season games left in football, and the Pac-12 football Pick Em contest.  Let’s discuss the post-season, shall we?  I can set up a post season pick em game for the bowls, which I think will be fun.  There are a million bowls so there will be plenty of games to pick.  The questions are:

      1. What schedule?  There are a few bowl games per week in December then January.  Should we do them weekly or do all the bowls at once?  If we do all the bowls at once, all the picks would need to be made before the first bowl game starts so that would be sort of lame.  

      2. What about championship games, like the pac-12 championship?  I suppose those would be the first week of the post-season picks season.

      3. Prize(s).  Anyone care to donate a prize or some prizes?  It would be nice to have something to award the winner and/or top few. 

      What are your thoughts?

    • #19145

      My thoughts:

      1. I like week-to-week. Yes, that means some weeks will be heavier in number of picks, but that seems like a good way to spread it out. And it allows you to make a pick based on current information within a reasonable distance to the game. A month to a month-and-a-half before a bowl game is too much time, anything can happen. Coaches leave, players are injured, etc.

      2. Why not? Sounds fun!

      3. I’ll donate money to a prize… maybe you should have everyone who participates give $2, and divide that up amongst top 5 placeholders, and keep a sliver for yourself? 🙂

    • #19176

      I like weekly, I also like pay to play under ONE condition. You keep 75%. You earned it!

      • #19228
        Tony (admin)

        I like weekly, I also like pay to play under ONE condition. You keep 75%. You earned it!

        Perfect.  Post season pick em contest just went from free to $100 per entry.

        • #19229

          Maybe you should post it as a big fundraiser on the Home page? Set a goal?

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