Welcome to Ute Hub › Forums › Politics › POTUS
- This topic has 24 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago by
Utes 69
Participantanyone want chime in if they think POTUS is total clown or mot?
ParticipantWould get a rather wide (and quite divisive) range of answers. Best to ask this in the politics forum.
ParticipantWell, I’m pretty independent politically. I was a never-Trump until 2 days before the election. I ended up voting for Trump this elections, 3rd party in 2016 and Biden in 2020.
Trump’s style is chaotic and feels that way. There is a lot that he says that bothers me and sounds crazy, but as I’ve learned about Trump that’s his style and it’s often his negotiation style, start with something outlandish and land in the middle.
The Gaza situation is a good example. What he said about clearing the people out and the US taking control of it, etc sounds nuts. And it is partially. But it also changed the dynamic and opened us to new paradigms. Should we clear all Palestinians out? 100% no. But the standard “not crazy” solutions (two state solution) will inevitably fail and we’ll be right back here in 10 years. The solution is probably something in between. Where Israel or the US controls Gaza, makes it a surveillance state of sorts (kind of like Singapore), build it up and try to give the people hope for a better future. Is it tyrannical and a pure security state? Yes, but the people could be educated, have jobs, and not live in abject poverty. This also further secures Israel.
So once people accept Trump’s chaos, take a deep breath, and think through. They will be able to choose what fights to fight and what things might actually be an interesting idea.
ParticipantI have some strong opinions about what is going on in Washington. However, I do not want this board to become like UteFans. I will go somewhere else to share my political views.
Go Utes!!!
ParticipantMyself I don’t mind commenting but I think it is important to be able to see if it is in the political forum. Politics are good topics among respectful people, however, as we learned on the previous Ute site it is a topic that can become emotional and divisive. Most important is the easy ability for Ute fans to escape from the weight of daily reality to a portal of simple entertainment related Ute sports. Maybe Tony could set the default to have the political forum off unless specifically requested, and easy to see the forum for each post. Then only the willing see these posts and it is easy to jump away from the forum. Caution required.
Tony (admin)
KeymasterI’m tempted to just delete this post (no offense). Also, this is the wrong category. The last post that had remotely political content stirred up a bunch of tribal rhetoric on both sides of the discussion, got people p**sed and arguing, pitch forks etc. And I had several people ask me to delete their accounts, even after I told them they could simply click their mouse button ONCE to ignore the category or person posting the topic.
ParticipantI support deleting this thread and the politics category altogether.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and can share it in various ways. Let’s not have Ute Hub be one of those. Please
ParticipantThat really is wild having more than one person wishing to delete their accounts.
Politics will occasionally come up on the subject of Utah and its sports but if a thread is purely political it’s probably not suitable for the board. It’s unfortunate that the mere mention of it causes a nest-of-hornets type reaction but that’s to be expected when so many have fundamentally tied their chosen side to their identity. Every talking point then becomes an insult instead of a criticism or even just an observation. My only suggestion would be this: Whichever side you choose, if you’ve let it hijack who you are as a person, if criticizing if feels personal to you, you might be in too deep and it might be affecting your judgement.
ParticipantWhile it is not my website, I’d be in favor of removing all political posts that don’t directly relate to Utah/college sports.
If people want political information/discussion, there are plenty of echo chambers out there for people to get the feedback they desire.
Discussing politics and religion in a detached online format intended for another purpose (in this case, sports) only really serves to divide. Most people aren’t going to change their political/religious opinion because you shared yours on a sports website.
People probably left after the last discussion because A) Who wants politics on a sports website? and B) Some people find the political opinions of others to be repulsive and no longer want to associate with that person or support their platform (not saying this is right or wrong).
ParticipantSomeone I sit with at Utah hoops games is no longer talking with his brother as they have very different opinions on how they feel about POTUS. Rather unfortunate.
ParticipantTrump is dope
Extra Medium
ParticipantTrump is freaking killing it. Uncovering all the waste, fraud, and abuse is exactly what we need. I was never Trump until they charged him and tried to kill him. I’m 100% all in. I want every cabinet member confirmed. I want all the grifters to be bankrupted. I want the corruption to be brought to light. They gave him 4 years to put together a plan and team to get it done. You know he’s over the right target the louder and more insane the other side gets.
Go Utes!
ParticipantHe cheats at golf. That’s where he lost me.
Minnesota Ute
ParticipantAll I have to say on the matter is that in 4 to 6 years, we are going to realize that the Who said it best many years ago. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The grift isn’t going anywhere, if we are lucky, we’ll just change out the old faces for new ones. Worst case, the old faces run out the clock. Either way, permanent Washington will always be there, our the financial system will always be rigged, and the DC trough will always be full. It may just be a slightly less sanctimonious and absurd bunch of hogs feeding there.
ParticipantI will.
He is!
ParticipantI have never felt so patriotic and proud to be an American! Cleaning up the corruption, misspending, and wokeness that has dilapidated our society. You know when something is wrong with politics when we’re finding out ( not assuming) that our tax dollars are going to crap programs or making politicians very wealthy and you have those on the other side throwing up their arms in disdain about it. That is when you know that the corrupt system is about to be broken. Panic is setting in and it’s a thing of beauty. That’s all.
Central Coast Ute
ParticipantOne thing I’ve learned about Ute fans is we have a lot of diversity as far as political opinions go. If you look at the tds, they’re going to have a vast majority of fans leaning to the right, probably because of the LDS church. Utah has a lot of fans that are also members of the church but they also attract most citizens of Utah that are not Mormon who are more likely to lean left. Getting into a political discussion amongst ourselves will almost certainly be divisive, and I would be in favor of deleting this post as well as the politics category.
The Miami Ute
ParticipantI’ve been a regular visitor and contributor to this site since I joined it a couple of years ago after “Block U” went under. This is not a threat, just a fact…if I start getting the feeling that certain individuals are beginning to introduce political commentary on this site, then that’ll be my last day here. The last thing I need, or anyone else needs, are people who don’t have full possession of the facts surrounding any issue, getting on an imaginary pulpit and hijacking this site because it gets good foot traffic.
ParticipantThis is a far more interesting discussion than a loaded question about the current President. But I believe Mormons have always been more politically aligned with Democrats even with how far they have radicalized recently. Republicans in Utah have always been abnormal to me even when the Republicans lost their way with Neo con/CIA nut bags.
I didn’t really recognize this until late thirties honestly with the Church. The Honor code office punishing rape victims and many other things pushed me down this path of recognition.
Central Coast Ute
ParticipantGood to see you’re still here Eagle. I hadn’t seen anything from you in a while and was worried you were one of the ones that left UteHub. I do agree that Mormons probably align with the left more so than mainstream Christians. There are a few issues that they definitely align with the right on. I guess it comes down to what each individual finds to be more important. Still, it seems in Utah, they at least vote republican, although they may not fully agree with the party.
ParticipantBeing more of a libertarian. That is small L not affiliating with any political party has always made me feel “politically homeless”. I definitely agree with the fabricated tribalism that both sides drive to purposely divide Americans is something I don’t want on this site. But is also agree with Tony that if you don’t want to listen to someone anymore simply ignore them.
Maybe the problem is that when you are logged off you can still see that same person post? For whatever reason that chaps people up still is my theory. Like the OP for this post I have on ignore. I see the post but chose to participate still because I found posters I enjoy to interact with.
I want to say it is just about having a thicker skin when it comes to what people say about you online. That isn’t easy for many people.
Utah Republicans are different. I say that as someone who has lived here my whole life. That may go without saying but I appreciate the current MAGA slightly I still feel it is just the new pushed tribalism. Anything that cuts government is an overall good thing imo.
I think a larger issue that many haven’t thought to address is AI and its impact on devaluing humanity by a very large margin. I feel it is something we haven’t begun to account for and no side is working on that because they know enemies of America will use it regardless. Ultimately the issues that Democrats seems to want to protect do not account for the future of AI and it seems like the most dehumanizing thing on the horizon. It will shatter the human psyche eventually.
Tony (admin)
KeymasterIf you block a user or ignore a category on the app, you don’t have to be logged in for it to work. But on the website you have to because the way the user settings are stored.
ParticipantYeah I understand. Isn’t really a complaint. Like for instance when I load this thread on the app it shows the OP for a second while it loads. I don’t usually view ignored user threads. But I happened to view this post on my desktop where I am logged out usually.
ParticipantPresident Donald J. Trump is one of the BEST presidents in my lifetime, and could go down as one of the greatest U.S. presidents in American and world history! MAGA!!!
God bless President Trump and God bless the United States of America!!!
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