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Utah Football Practice observations 3/26/16

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Utah Football Practice observations 3/26/16

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    • #9561

      I’ve been observing spring practices regularly since Urban’s 1st year. This one was one of the more spirited ones I’ve seen, if not THE most. It started with the 1 on 1 drill where the team circles around two players who square off and push each other around. This one was one of the loudest, rowdiest I recall seeing.

      Coach Shaw is a church mouse compared to Guy Holliday. Holliday can be heard throughout the stadium with gems like “Don’t stop, go get the God damned Ball” … this was shouted to Repp after he hesitated a little bit on a long pass. Had he not hesitated, It would have been a perfectly completed bomb along the sideline. Nothing goes unnoticed with Holliday, he’s not only shouting but coaching the WRs after each play. He’s all over these guys when they mess up, drop a pass or do well. For me, Holliday stole the show. I watched Holliday run from near the endzone to midfield screaming and yelling about something one the receivers did or didn’t do.

      It was comforting to watch him coach because he says all the things I scream at my TV set during games.

      I heard this one over and over … “catch the freakin’ ball, it’s not that hard.”

      I like what I saw out of Holliday, I think we’re going to have a tough receiving corp.

      During a WR drill, a coach would flip the ball to a WR, the WR would have to juke a DB to try to get past. Siaosi Wilson got screamed at dancing too much, Holliday shouted “don’t dance, you got one move.”
      Cory Butler Bird, instead of juking just ran straight into Philip Afia and knocked him on his ass, it was kind of funny because everyone else was cutting, faking, juking and CBB just plowed him over like he was Devonte Booker.

      Monte Seabrook is playing receiver. If I remember correctly, he came in as a running back, moved to DB and this year he’s a WR. He had a good day. During a drill, he jumped over his defender on about a 30 yard pass from Cox, caught it and took it to the endzone.

      During scrimmage sessions, I saw a lot of double tight end, QB under center and one running back 6 yards back.

      This one:
      Under center

      RB Marcel Brooks-Brown (who has a new last name, something like Malania, hard to read from far away) is a beast who is extremely light on his feet. He’s the guy who got shot last year early in the season. He’s fully healed and looks incredible. He took a handoff, off tackle for a TD, untouched, no one could catch him. He also caught a pass for a long gain. This guy can separate from defenders, It’ looks a little strange because he’s built like a brick s**thouse. Think Quinton Ganther with WR speed.

      Troy McCormick participated in drills but not in the scrimmages.

      I like our WRs, especially knowing they are coached by Holliday. I’ve got to admit, I was skeptical about Holliday because he’s been a WR coach for something like 20 years and never moved up. The probably just loves coaching WRs, I don’t know, but I really like the dude.

      There were some drops, some great catches but there is no Covey. Fulks, based on today, is no Covey. Fulks had at least one drop, seems like there were a few more. Newcomer Demari Simpkins passes the eyeball test. Fine looking frosh, caught a few, dropped a few.

      Siaosi Wilson took a short seam pass for a TD, thrown by Troy Williams. It was a great looking play, a DB blitzed, came in untouched, Williams got rid of it quickly to Wilson.

      Lutui, Asiata and Lo Falemaka all played center. IIRC Lutui would snap to Williams, Asiata to Cox and Falemaka to Huntley.

      Evan Eggiman is a linebacker. I’m pretty sure he played DB last year but’s he now part of the LB corp.

      Didn’t see Wishnowski punt, but the dude is huge. Here he is next to Phillips and long snapper Chase Dominquez (who is 6-5, 240lbs.) Wishnowski is listed as 6-2, 220.

      Now for the QBs. Here’s some poor quality video

      (Tony, I can’t get the video to post, maybe you can help?)
      Here’s my unqualified opinion on our QBs.
      Huntley, by far the best incoming frosh QB we’ve ever recruited. More often than not, our frosh QBs cannot get a pass off. They stand there, hold the ball, pocket collapses, sacked. When they do get a a pass off it’s uncatchable. None of this happens with Huntley. The young man can play. He’s a little thin from the waist down and really should, and probably will red shirt.

      Cox – What I remember of Cox is that his passes were floaters. Not anymore. The dude rockets the ball like John Elway. Someone has been working with this guy because his throwing motion is not what it was. Cox looked greatly improved in my opinion.

      Williams – Heir apparent and looked the part. No disappointment at all with this one. At times I remember thinking that he moved the team better than the other two. It would take someone far more capable than I to see separation between Cox and Williams. Clearly they’re close and we’re going to be happy with either one. This does not mean Huntley is chopped liver, he’s not. I can’t see Huntley overtaking either of these two, and that’s good news. I think we can put to rest the idea of throwing a another true frosh into the fire.

      If I think of anything more, I’ll toss it in.

      • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by 89ute.
      • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by 89ute.
      • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by 89ute.
      • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Tony (admin).
    • #9565
      Wilson’s Mustache

      Really great report 89Ute. Really appreciated & enjoyed it. Keep it up!

      I am excited for the offense this year. I don’t expect them to be Baylor or Oregon by any means, but I think we will have a competent offense this year to compliment what appears to be another tough defense.

      I expect our special teams to be very solid as well his year.

      Can not wait for football to start.

      Btw it is Marcel Manelo (mah-nall-OH)

      • #9567

        Thanks. Didn’t focus much on the defense. It looked like Cody Barton and Sunia Tauteoli were the ones at LB. I don’t recall seeing 3 LBs on the field at the same time.

        Brian Allen is a grown ass man! He looked like senior Pac-12 corner.

    • #9566

      Another drill I saw today that I’ve never seen before. It’s a WR blocking drill, which I loved seeing. 3 WRs were split to the right side of the field with a defender on each WR. QB was at midfield, a slot type WR would run a backfield flare route and run through the 3 WRs trying to block the DBs. A fight broke out during this drill which everyone seems to enjoy.

    • #9569
      Tony (admin)

      @89ute this is an incredible report. Very well done. Loved reading it. I’m going to add Utah Football to the title and then push to some social networks.

      Please give me the URL to your photobucket and I’ll see if I can make your videos work.

    • #9571

      Very nice report. I was there today too and had a slightly different take on the QB situation. Earlier in the day, there wasn’t as much separation, but toward the end, Cox started to come apart. He threw a ball straight to a defender and was off the mark on several throws out in the flat. I thought Williams looked sharp throughout, especially on one third down drill where he found a receiver for a 25-30 yard completion while under pressure. I think Williams is starting to separate himself, but I’d like to see him throw deep more often to get a better feel for his ability in that area.

      • #9572
        Tony (admin)

        Thanks Mumf and welcome to Ute Hub. Glad to have you.

    • #9575

      I was at the practice too. I have cautious optimism about the offense. I concentrated mostly on the offense and didn’t pay too much attention to the defense.

      I am excited about the potential of Huntley. However, I would also like to see him red shirt to gain more strength and size before pac 12 defenders hit him.

      I have the same thoughts as Mumf between Williams and Cox. I too noticed that early on in the practice there wasn’t much separation between the two but later, to me, Williams was clearly better. But this was just one practice for me. I am going to try to be there on Friday for the practice if it is outdoors.

      I was the lone guy on the east side of the stadium up a little ways along the 50 yard line. The brief fight involved Andre Godfrey and a receiver but I couldn’t tell who the receiver was.

      I am excited about the receivers. Granted I still think they need a lot of work bit it appears they are well ahead of where they were last year when I attended practices.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by BD.
      • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by BD.
    • #9578
      Puget Ute

      Thanks for posting these practice reports. I am jealous of those of you who live close and can attend practices live. I used to go to practices back when Sharrieff Shah was playing. Good times.

    • #9579

      While that other board circles the drain in offseason nonsense and political rhetoric, we get quality posts here on stuff we’re interested in such as the football program. Thank you for posting this and keep up the good work.

      • #9581
        Tony (admin)

        While that other board circles the drain in offseason nonsense and political rhetoric, we get quality posts here on stuff we’re interested in such as the football program.

        I’m actually toying with the thought of DELETING the politics category…

        • #9582

          I basically never go to the Politics Forum. That it is out of site, it’s out of mind here, which is the beauty of these Forums.

        • #9584

          Great idea.

        • #9587

          I come here to read and talk Utah Athletics. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings at all.

    • #9580

      I’m thinking the horrible 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter offensive showing in the Vegas Bowl finally woke Whittingham up to the realization that his stellar D can only do so much without even a mediocre offense. It seems like real progress is being made to shore that up and make improvements. Shows humility and good judgment by coach Whit.

    • #9583

      What a fantastic report. Thanks, 89!

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