Pretty good Grantland write up

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Pretty good Grantland write up

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    • #3891

      The New Pacific Standard: Utah’s Ascent From the Inside

      ” They were a Pac-12 school without much of an identity beyond the past success that had gotten them into the league in the first place; they were locked somewhere in the hazy middle of a vastly improving conference defined by programs with sexier locations and pedigrees and head coaches. They were not Colorado, but they sure as hell weren’t Oregon, either.”

      The Colorado part is always kind of amusing to me they get a pass on how abysmal they are because they are a former “have”. It always feels like Utah is judged by a harsher thread because of step up so to speak.

    • #3892
      Tony (admin)

      Yeah it bugs me when they talk about the Utes and the Buffs as if they’re the same. Then again they won a championship in 1990.

      • #4011

        The Buffs are going through their same down cycle Utah had in the heyday of Lavell. I don’t think CU stays down forever.

        Right now Arizona, Utah and CU are the only current Pac12 teams to not play in the Granddaddy of them all.

        CU has played in the Orange bowl five times, the Fiesta bowl three times. They haven’t been to a bowl in 10 years… 2005, really? And the Gator, and Cotton, and…

        Arizona’s played in the Fiesta three times.

        So both have played in the big five more than Utah. Which makes Utah’s BCS bowls look even better. Save BSU has now played in three and won all three, thanks Arizona!!!!

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