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PREVIEW: For those who like the old school forum style…

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site Comments and Suggestions PREVIEW: For those who like the old school forum style…

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    • #3663
      Tony (admin)

      After a week of researching to find an option to display the forum in a UFN or CB style “threaded” view I came up with nothing… Because I like a challenge I decided to dust off my PHP skills and start hacking away at it.

      Here’s what I’ve got so far:

      There are no links to posts, no reply buttons, and so on… but you can see the basic threading layout with the topic and subsequent replies, is there. It will take a while to get the whole thing working, but I thought some who like that layout might enjoy seeing what I’m working on.

      GO UTES

    • #3667

      Hmm. seems a lot like…

      To me personally, doesn’t matter. What I would like to see though is a way to get other fan bases on here. Maybe a spotlight on a non-Ute player from an upcoming game and/or a player that had a great game that week? Even if it’s trolls at first, at least you get their attention? Just spit-wadding.

    • #3669

      I absolutely love that style. Works great on the iPad, I can just scroll down and read, no need to open and close threads. I love it. I can’t for the life of me understand how anyone would want it any other way, that style makes so much more sense.

    • #3675

      This maybe off subject. But I love that I can preview my posts on UFN before actually posting it. It’s nice for grammar and spell checks and also nice for ensuring a link or an IMG took properly. I hate knowing everyone can see how many edits I did to make my posts readable.

    • #3678

      I second the need for preview post.

      I think that is a good way to help Utefans users to like this site.

      If you do a functional app that would be the best thing though. If you build it they will come.

    • #3679

      I prefer the scrolling method that you’re working on.

    • #3681

      I like it!

    • #3682

      The drawback of the forum style is that threads quickly go from top of the page to irrelevant. It gets to the point where, for the most part, I wouldn’t even bother commenting if a thread isn’t on page one, and page five is out of the question, because no one will see it. Perhaps this is just my perception? My perception is that the scrolling, Utefans style only rewards people for making comments on the front page, which is fine for people who can bounce in and out all day, but sucks for people who want to engage in discussion, but find that the topic that interests them is already on page seven when they finally find the time to check in at the end of the day.

      How can that “problem” be overcome?

    • #3683
      Tony (admin)

      How can that “problem” be overcome?

      And now we realize the major DRAWBACK in the CB/UFN format, posts getting buried quickly.

      This “may” be another way to view the posts. Take a look at the Recent Posts and then this view. TOTALLY DIFFERENT. The current options aren’t going anywhere one could still look at the forum index, or what I prefer, the Recent Posts thread.

      “Preview Post” is certainly a completely dumb omission by the people who created the forum engine we are using. One of many odd or missing things about it. That’s on the list of things I’d like to add/fix.

      Despite some of the dumb things about it I the forum system. At this point we are going ot have to “dance with the one who brung us,” so to speak.

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Tony (admin).
      • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Tony (admin).
    • #3690
      Tacoma Ute

      I agree that it’s great to be able to see the body of all the posts without having to click and open them. I remember when that option was added to UFN probably 7 or more years ago. I’ve had my settings set for that ever since.

    • #3692

      sounds like we need to combine the two. The threaded view you did looks great and I also love that format. If only we could do that AND resort so that new posts always take the entire thread posted on back to the top. Best of both worlds!!! 🙂

      Thanks for all you’re doing Tony. It’s pretty awesome to have someone working to give all of us mooches a sweet forum. 🙂

    • #3693
      Tony (admin)

      I suppose a threaded view with the option to sort based on most recent replies, or by most recent topic would be a combination of both.

      Still quite a bit of work on the threaded view to add any functionality at all, like replying, voting, bla bla bla…

    • #3699

      Not gonna lie. I would go for that view if fully functional.

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