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Promo Code needed to buy Rose Bowl tickets?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Promo Code needed to buy Rose Bowl tickets?

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    • #161454

      Just curious and maybe it might help someone else to get this question answered….

      I have tickets, purchased during that nebulous Dec 3 – Dec 4 time frame on ticketmaster, that seem to be legit and just were “released” by ticketmaster today.   I am however eligible to buy tickets today with my “Level 2” CC donation.

      So I was just curious to see if I could get better tickets through the U but when I click on the link from the email I received last night no seats are available and it seems to be asking for a Promo Code.  Maybe just sold out?? 

      Anybody experienced this and/or has a solution to getting tickets through Utah’s ticketmaster?   Thanks!

    • #161456

      Install the UU tickets app and sign in with the same userid and pwd you used to buy the tix.

    • #161466

      I had exactly the same problem, and had to call the ticket office to get it corrected.  They told me that somehow my name (or some internal idenifier) was not added to the list of people who were allowed to buy tickets, so he added me manually, and I immediatly had access to all the tickets that were still available (which was not many).


      • #161468

        I found that I had to use the email address that the Crimson Club has on file. My personal one didn’t work, but my address did.

        • #161471

          Yeah, I think astUTE might be on to the problem.  The email associated with ticketmaster and the CC is the same.  I’ll call tomorrow and report back but looks like I have verified ticketets anyway and will see you on New Years Day!

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