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Proof of voter fraud! Her excuse? She is a mentally incompetent republican.

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    • #24019

      I can definitely buy that. lol. Silly right, with your fake news and illegal voters. lol.

      Trump Supporter Commits Voter Fraud


    • #24021

      Most voter fraud occurs at the poll worker level not at the voter level. But it is exceedingly rare. Goodness, if Trump would just say, I won the EC that’s the way to win too damn bad and just let this thign go it would make life so much more enjoyable.

      • #24024
        Tony (admin)

        Someone needs to pick his battles for him.  All this one does is make him look bad (or worse as the case may be).

    • #24027
      Newbomb Turk

      Let’s just suppose for a minute that there really were 3 to 5 million illegal votes (stupid as hell, I know, but bear with me).  Are we also supposed to assume that all 3 to 5 million votes were for Hillary?

      • #24028

        He has said that not one of those votes went to him, but to his competitor. I was worried when he won, and every single thing he has done so far has only served to make me worry more. This “alternative facts” garbage is disturbing, and even more so was his tweet the other night that was an obvious kneejerk reaction to a Bill O’Reilly segment. I watch Fox News from time to time to gauge the perception of those on the right (not that it’s necessary living in AZ, Florida of the west), and one pundit actually said that Trump is the most even keeled and rational person he has ever seen. Not, the most even keeled POTUS (which in itself would be an outrageous statement), but the sanest and calmest person EVER. Now, those are some alternative facts.

        I’ve never been overly concerned for our country, much less civilization, with regard to the transfer of power, but this is already bad and poised to get much worse.

      • #24032

        I think the contention is that those illegal votes are from those that support illegal immigration and therefore unlikely they would go to him.  I don’t think anyone believes there is actually that level of actual voter fraud, but some studies point to illegal registrations, mainly of deceased individuals.  Whether or not anyone has actually used those registration the study didn’t say.

        • #24033

          Care to link to one of those studies?

          • #24040

            Here’s a study from Old Dominion University that cites 800,000 illegal voters voting.  I know that this is not the 3-5 million that Trump cites, however, the study doesn’t include dead voters, fraudulent voters or criminal votes.



            • #24041
              Riot West


              Rock, Paper, Scissors, Old Dominon – and Harvard Beats Them All: A Report Refuting Richman et al.


            • #24043

              Even before Trump came along, Richman’s research was the subject of controversy. The report, which he wrote about in The Washington Post with a fellow Old Dominion researcher, David Earnest, drew its conclusions from the results of the Cooperative Congressional Election Studies, an opt-in online survey of voter behavior. The researchers analyzed responses from citizens and noncitizens in 2008 and 2010 and checked them against existing voter files. What they found suggested that 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted in 2008, while 2.2 percent of them voted in 2010.

              Critics quickly jumped on the findings. Among their complaints: The survey on which the research was based was an internet survey meant to include only citizens. In other words, any noncitizens who took the survey were included due to an error anyway, says Michael Jones-Correa, a political science professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Some percentage of people who checked the noncitizen box may have done so accidentally.

              I appreciate the response, but this seems suspect.

              And from your article:

              “Is it plausible that non-citizen votes added to Clinton’s margin? Yes,” Mr. Richman wrote. “Is it plausible that non-citizen votes account for the entire nation-wide popular vote margin held by Clinton? Not at all.”

              I’d hardly say that they cited 800,000 votes. It’s plausible that non-citizens voted, but the research is flawed, and even Richman wants Trump to stop citing his work.

              If Trump manages to uncover massive voter fraud, then great, but the reality is that he’ll find a few cases of possible fraud and declare a victory. Do you honestly believe nearly a million people who risk deportation on a daily basis are going to walk into a polling place just to cast a vote, especially when everybody seemed to think it would be a landslide in Clinton’s favor? I actually hope he does find largescale evidence of fraud, because that will make the loss easier to swallow and I won’t be bothered by the massive bill he’ll be setting at the foot of taxpayers.


        • #24036
          Riot West

          Conan O’Brien made a good point, if Trump builds that wall, won’t that trap those 3 million illegal voters here?

      • #24107

        yes because none of his supporters would commit voter fraud.

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