Quick question on profile pics…

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site Quick question on profile pics…

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    • #36056
      St George Ute

      How do I keep my profile picture from looking pixelated? Is there an image size or type that works best?Thanks Tony for all you do! This site is great, and I love the app!

    • #36059
      Tony (admin)

      I just looked at yours and it looks ok to me. Are you talking about the wide one in the header of your profile, or your avatar?  The wide one is about 830x225ish so if you make it that size or slightly bigger it should be fine.  Are you viewing on a computer or a mobile?

      • #36122
        St George Ute

        The avatar. When I create one it’s crystal clear in photoshop or illustrator, but when I upload the image it comes out fuzzy. Kind of like a much smaller and compressed version of the original image.

        Looking at the avatars, it appears as though it’s a 150×150 pixel image. I’m going to try uploading one at that resolution and see how it goes.

        • #36126
          St George Ute

          Still fuzzy…hmmm…

          • #36130

            What beach are you on in your pic?

            • #36132
              St George Ute

              That’s a beach in Lincoln City, Oregon. One of my favorite places. We stayed at a motel there about 3 years ago. Nice little place, but the best part was being able to just walk out the back of the motel right on to the beach.

              • #36150
                Hoo Ray Who?

                Lincoln City is gorgeous. I lived there for 5 years (picture me, by myself in my Utes gear, at a bar watching the Fiesta Bowl). Both of my sons were born there. It was so much fun being the lone Ute fan in a sea of mixed duck/beaver loyalty, pre-Pac12. My friends run Rusty Truck Brewing there and the brewmaster is a good friend of mine. If you head that way again let me know. “Come on vacation….leave on probation!”

          • #36142

            On my end it looks crystal clear too. Maybe it’s just on the uploader page that it looks bad for some reason?


          • #36143
            St George Ute

            Looks fine on the home page and the mobile app. The avatars are smaller there. It just goes fuzzy on my PC when I click on a thread from the Recent Posts section. Then all the avatars are enlarged and everything goes a bit fuzzy.

            • #36146
              Tony (admin)

              Ok I see what you are saying on the recent posts section. It is a little fuzzy. Probably being resized for that section. What format is the file you are using?

              • #36149
                St George Ute

                My current avatar image is PNG, though I’ve also uploaded JPEG with the same results.

                • #36154
                  Tony (admin)

                  Hmm.  yeah probably just the browser resizing it causing the pixelation. 

                  • #36236
                    St George Ute

                    Well I feel stupid now. Just realized I have my browser zoomed in at 133% for UteHub. My 42/43 yr old eyes find the smaller font difficult to read. That explains the fuzziness of the avatar. At 100% it looks great…

                    Yeah…I’m dumb… Sorry if I caused you any unnecessary work. Thanks Tony!

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