Rank the coaching changes

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    • #237874
      3 5

      As for me – I give it a grade of B. I kind of like Beck, but he was our third choice. I think Atuaia is a good get with some solid experience. Micah Simon may end up being good, but he lacks big-time experience. This is position group that needs help.

      I would have changed the Oline coach. It seems like Harding has something on Whitt. I don’t think our Oline has been as good as they need to be to compete at the highest level.

      What do you think?

    • #237876

      Fano being All American doesn’t count as good?

    • #237877

      Harding is a good recruiter and his pass blocking lines have been good. I watched Wilson stand there holding the ball for 5 seconds. He had pockets to step into, but didn’t. The best line in the world will have trouble run block when the box is stacked. Not sure why Harding is considered a poor coach by some.

      • #237880
        2 1

        I don’t think Harding is a poor coach. But, I do think that our offensive line has not been top-tier like we need to be to compete at this level. Just my uneducated opinion. I admit that I am limited in what I know about the Oline and their specific assignments.

        Yes, Fano is getting a lot of positive pub right now. That’s a great thing!

      • #237881

        It is true this happened, but it also true that there were MANY times where we would have the center and guard double teaming a tackle, while the middle of the field is left wide open for the RB & QB to get destroyed.

        Or they would just get beat 1v1.

        Tackles used to be an issue, now they are our strength and center/guard is an issue.

        Also, Fano was a top flight recruit, just like Boles, why are we giving Harding credit? Where’s the development for more project guys like Falcon or Williams?

      • #237897

        I’ve also seen Wilson step right into a sack…

        He definitely should not have played a single game last season.

      • #237934

        I agree. The offensive line was about the ONLY positive on that side of the ball this season. Lomu and Fano are complete studs. Harding is a very good offensive line coach.

    • #237883
      3 1


      Never go full zoob.

    • #237886

      Beck: A- Not our first choice, but he might end up being our best choice. Sounds like he will be bringing a dynamic offense with him, and the best part is that he is being allowed to bring in some of his own guys to help coach it.
      Detmer: A Have we ever had a dedicated QB coach?
      Atuaia: A Good reputation, good recruiter, could be bringing a much needed RB with him.
      Simon: B- Lack of experience should have him lower, but he gets a bump for having a year helping Beck run his offense.

      • #237971
        Holladay Ute

        I’m directionally in the same camp, but probably a little more pessimistic generally.

        I initially would’ve said B+ for Beck (given he was the third choice), but maybe it is an A- now that A) we got Dampier and B) it looks like Whitt isn’t going to micromanage as much as feared.

        I’m meh on Detmer (so a C), mainly b/c I don’t know much about him (except for his playing career and his family relationships). He has NFL experience, but it doesn’t seem like he’s done much since then (coaching high school)?

        Atuaia is exciting, but I would only give him an A if we get the WSU RB to transfer here. Otherwise A- or B+.

        I would grade Simon a D in isolation (given we know almost nothing about him based on his very limited track record), but given the Beck connection, I bump it up to a C.

    • #237888

      I would agree with B. There are some questions but over all the offense is getting overhauled which is what many of us had hoped for.

    • #237898

      I really don’t think Harding as bad. Fano and Lomu are good. Togiai is solid. Center and RG were tough with Mokofisi and Kump, who need to be replaced if possible. It also sucks that our entire offense (players and coaches) was inept except for Singer, Bernard, and Kuithe. He hasn’t done anything to warrant being fired, but he should really try to make a change at the aforementioned OL positions.

    • #237899
      2008 National Champ

      I’ll use the theory from my HS Biology teacher: Everyone starts with an A, whether they keep it or not depends entirely on their results.

      To keep that A, I’d use the following statistical benchmarks:

      RB coach – Top 2 rushers combine for an average of 1500 yards per season coached
      WR coach – Top 2 receivers combine for an average of 1250 yards per season coached
      QB coach – An average of 3500 total yards (rush + pass) per season coached
      OC – 35.0 points per game of scoring offense per season coached

      • #237902

        Beck has one good year the Zoobs poach him

        • #237945

          Maybe, maybe not. How good of friends are Beck and Scalley. Given the choice between working with your good friend or going back to your alma mater, I think a lot of people would choose to continue working with their friend.

      • #237946

        No A’s for any of them unless we have at least a 70% TD success rate inside the Red Zone.

    • #237904

      Hardings fine. Young BYU coaches seemlike good hires. Biggest concern, once again, will they be allowed to do their job? Don’t see any of these guys sticking around if KW extends his rehab tour to collect another fat pay check for another year or two. Utes still have zero worthy RBs, spots on the Oline and experienced WRs to fill. Long way to go. Next two weeks are crucial.

    • #237968

      we. need. a. new. special. teams. coordinator.

      Honestly, I’m ambivalent about Shah as a DB/CB coach (and could care less about the real housewives drama). But Special Teams used to be a strong point for Utah, and now we can’t even get a kicker who can give us consistent touchbacks or design coverage schemes to prevent multiple runbacks for TDs.

      • #237970
        Holladay Ute

        I wonder why they haven’t fixed this. It feels like it’s been bad for years now. On top of what you mentioned…

        FG kicking has been spotty (unreliable) and it’s a miracle if we gain positive yards on a punt return. It’s been a dumpster fire. I think the only positive thing is that our punting has been good…but haven’t we had one or two blocked in recent years? And now we lost our punter.

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