Utah @  Oklahoma State

RB Pass Protection

Welcome Cowboy Fans Forums Utah Utes Sports Football RB Pass Protection

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    • #200204

      I have noticed pretty much all season but especially recently with Glover that our RBs have been really poor at pass protection. I am shocked to see it since our RB coach, Quinton Ganther, was an absolute beast at pass protection as a Ute and in the NFL. If Ludwig is as hell bent as he seems to be about making Nate be a pocket passer, then this area of protection needs to improve. Anyone else seeing this?

    • #200205
      1 4

      Why don’t you just name a thread “Jaylon Glover is deficient at _________” and we can all just chime in? Rather than attempting to find some deficiency in the coaching staff. And yes, to answer your question, we all see it and further, we know why…

    • #200206

      Absolutely Rick. Our two best running backs at pass protection are Micah Bernard and JaQuinden Jackson – in that order. Glover is improving. I’ve watched him pick up some blocks and miss others. He discussed it in a recent profile so he knows it’s an issue. If Jackson plays this week it will help pass protection significantly.

    • #200208
      2008 National Champ

      The bigger issue is why the RB has to pick up so many pass rushers?

      Quick passing game nullifies the delayed blitz. And when the numbers are in the offense’s favor, the RB becomes the outlet receiver instead of staying in to pick up for which lineman gets beat. The RB’s having to pick up someone on damn near every drop back is more about the line play and the protection calls.

      • #200213
        Jim Vanderhoof

        That’s true. Also if the qb can identify the blitz and change the play at the line. A lot to ask of a freshman qb. Same cat and mouse game we’ll do to the Cal freshman qb.

        Get the ball to tight end as a safety net. That’s what Cam did last year.

    • #200218
      Ghost of the HEB

      Barnes got destroyed on a goal to go play vs OSU because Glover whiffed on a block. It’s been a major issue.

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