Media is looking for a story and this is the most dramatic thing so far this camp. Few of the reporters strike me as serious enough to evaluate Troy Taylor’s offense and I’m sure the team doesn’t want them generalizing about scheme, so QB staffing drama is what we get. I don’t have an opinion about it, but I think it’s easy to see why. Even in high school, if a younger player plays as well as you, you lose your spot. True pretty much in corporate jobs too. Equal ability multiplied by years available equals play the younger player. Troy Taylor sees two years with the same guy. That’s a real asset for an OC. I hope Tyler takes advantage. It’s never fun to explain but the coaches need to back him and let him make mistakes. If you bench him after any interception you will mess him up. Personally I think DChristenswn and ARod helped break Travis early on as a passer. That UCLA game 2013 (?) was his low point I think. Travis was frickin tough. I respect the hell out of that guy.
On the other hand, you can lose a locker room if it splits and WRs grumble. Will be a challenge to keep that together. This is a gutsy move by Troy Taylor. Hope it pays off.
I predict Troy Williams will get a shot. It seems Tyler is bold and there is a temptation to take risks for a highlight. He will get smarter. If he can start getting Brian Johnson’s skills at protecting himself from hits, it will be a good thing. Go utes and good luck to everyone.