Required message text beyond the subject/topic line

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    • #26486

      What are your thoughts on this? @admin. imo not every post needs to belonger than a sentence or two.

    • #26487

      The Sugar Bowl is on P12 net at 4 MST btw. I tried to post this (and just that) which is what lead to this post

    • #26491
      Tony (admin)

      Not sure what your question is. Are you asking if just a title is ok for a topic, with no content?

      • #26494

        when submitting a post, you are required to include text beyond the 80 character subject line. Which I dont always feel is neccessary. For example, I was going to submit a post that was just “The Sugar Bowl is being played on P12 net at 4 MST” But it wanted me to include text in the box below beyond that. What are your thoughts on requiring text beyond the subject line?


        To add to that, I was on mobile, and I got the error message notifying of required further text in text box, and I subsequently got the “dont push back on your browser” error the next time I tried to post, and each additional time after that. The first error seems to be a trigger for the next error because I get them both in that sequence every time.

    • #26496
      Tony (admin)

      Ok thanks. I’ll consider that. Title only, content not required. Anyone else have thoughts on that?

      • #26517
        Red Don

        Ok thanks. I’ll consider that. Title only, content not required. Anyone else have thoughts on that?

        I’m for it.  Thanks for asking.

      • #26595

        I am against it. Please see my post in “On civility”.

        I like that people are required to read the body of a post to truly get the point of the poster.

        I understand where @rbmw263 is coming from, and from his paradigm I think it’s a reasonable request. I just feel that the side effect could be detrimental to the board.

      • #26603

        I’m against.
        You get the culture you allow.
        I think having subject only messages encourages the kind of thoughtless, drive-by firebombing style posting that I have seen on places like UFN and Cougarboard.

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