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Rumor: USC wants Kyle

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Rumor: USC wants Kyle

  • This topic has 17 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #14313
      Warrior Ute

      I spoke with my friend today.  He is a Sports Medicine Specialist on the faculty of a Family Medicine Residency and a huge USC fan.  He flies from the Bay Area to most USC games when he is not on call.  He started the conversation with a congratulations on the game.  He then stated:

      All is not well in Trojan Alumni Land.  Utah had better get ready to pay Whittingham because USC is going to come shopping.  He is who we want as our coach.


      He went on to say that he thought that this is Utah’s year to win the south and thinks that Utah could take the entire PAC.  He is a nice guy and does talk others up be he really appeared sincere in this praise.  I don’t know if he has any additional information outside of alumni discussions about USC wanting Kyle but it is interesting to see that this view.

      I brought up that Kyle is all about defense and that USC has high expectations for offense.  He stated they were aware of this and that they can bring in offensive coordinators to keep up that side but what they need is a strong defensive leader.

      So what do you think, what would it take for Kyle to move to USC?

    • #14314

      Kyle should do it if they offer him. He owes us nothing. He’s got a real shot there at a national title. Utah should concentrate on keeping the assistants instead of standing in the way.

    • #14315

      If their eventual choice was Helton last year, I am VERY confident that they offered Kyle. What has changed? Kyle will turn them down again.

      • #14316

        how long before we see a “Kyle couldnt stand Pat Haden” comment from a LA beat writer or USC message board?

    • #14317
      Riot West

      They said the same thing last season

    • #14318
      Wilson’s Mustache

      Kyle isn’t leaving. If he hasn’t taken a job elsewhere already he isn’t going to now. Also, Kyle doesn’t fit the type of coach USC is and should be looking for. Kyle Whittinghams defensive, conservative philosophy is a dying breed in CFB. See Les Miles for validation of that statement.

      USC needs a Tom Herman type coach.

    • #14319

      I wouldn’t say Kyle is a lifer at Utah. He’s only been coaching at the program for 22 years. Wait, isn’t that exactly what a lifer is? If he was looking for money, well that’s been offered before. If he was looking for prestige, well that’s been offered before. If he was looking for a new challenge, well that could be valid but what could be more challenging than building a team that is competing from G5 to P5 and then walking away from it all?…

      So why would he leave in my estimation? Maybe the relationship with the athletics director. Maybe if Utes fall into some tough seasons, but then he wouldn’t be as highly sought after.

      I don’t think Whitt is going anywhere. I think his family life, career satisfaction, and passion is being fulfilled nicely at the great University of Utah.

      • #14320
        Wilson’s Mustache

        I actually think Utah will build a statue of him outside RES when his career is over here. He’s a PAC12 championship/Ross Bowl win from being a god here at Utah. I don’t see why he would leave at this point I his career. Especially for LA.

    • #14321
      Warrior Ute

      I also don’t see Kyle leaving, here has talked about how great it is for him and his family.  I just wonder what could be offered to make him consider a move.  The cost of living in LA is much higher.  The LA life style doesn’t really fit him either.  How much money or what level of control would they have to offer him to make him consider a move?

      I think that if they more than doubled his past gave him a set amount to use to higher his assistant coaches and gave himmoree control over organizing the staff he might consider it.  The downside would be the extreme hit seat that comes along with the job.  I think even if they offered him the world he would likely remain a Ute for life.

      I will be at the game Saturday, let’s hope we can cheer him on to win 100.

      GO UTES!

    • #14322

      Call me crazy but I don’t think Helton is going anywhere next year. Their new QB is going to win them a lot of games through the end of this year. I think he will be back and have a very good team next year with a lot of key players coming back. Thats alao why I think it is very important for Utah to win the South this year.

      I wouldn’t blame Kyle if he went to usc, but I just don’t see him as an LA guy. But what do I know.

    • #14323

      Whitt is getting a building named after him. He’s staying.

    • #14332
      Puget Ute

      Whitt knows how personally upset he was at Stevie T for transferring. He will not risk walking into RES in 2 years with 58,000 fans* cursing his name.

      *After stadium expansion

    • #14333
      Tony (admin)

      These rumors have been going for a long time.  Last year was the year for him to do it if he was going to.  I don’t think it is going to happen.

    • #14336

      They reached out last year.  Coach Whittingham is happy where is and knows a volatile job like USC could at any moment end badly.

    • #14337

      Whitt has the 3rd highest compensation package in the PAC 12 and Utah will never get rid of him. Whitt has stated previously he does not intend to work much last 60. He’s 55 now. Why would he change rides now?

      I live in SoCal and I just want to get the F out. It’s expensive, crowded, the traffic is horrible and they have the highest State income tax in the Nation at 13.4% for Whitt types. The weather is great, but 39 million other people figured that out and they make the wealthy pay to take care of them.

      • #14341

        1 – Kyle would be perfect for USC. He is Pete Carroll all over again. If Whitt went to USC, he’d average 11+ wins a year.

        2 – If Whitt wanted to be at USC, he’d be there right now, not Helton.

        So, don’t worry. Whitt ain’t going to USC. That ship has sailed.

    • #14355

      I have heard from Whitt himself that it would be the NFL that would take him away from here not any other college.  It would have to be the right situation as well for the NFL.

      I have also said this a lot because I never worry about him leaving Utah.

    • #14366

      Whitt has great pay and stability. The NFL would offer great pay and no stability. USC would offer barely more than he’s currently making and no stability. Nowhere are the expectations more disconnected from their reality than at USC.

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