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Sad to see the Liberal utefans trying to infiltrate this board so soon.

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Politics Sad to see the Liberal utefans trying to infiltrate this board so soon.


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    • #24118
      11 18

      The Last time in history the democrats were this upset and vocal are when the Republicans free their slaves.

      You dont have to ruin every messge board in the world with your hatred you know? Pathetic.



    • #24122
      2 1

      You could whine about it or post an interesting Utah sports related post to bury the political posts. 

      What do ye choose?


      • #24213

        I scratched my balls.   Will look into this ignore feature. 

    • #24123
      5 8

      No kidding.

      I thought Obama was a complete buffoon.  His record and performance supported that.  I did not spend all 8 years of his Presidency running around bitching and whining.  Nope, I doubled down on my investing and became one of those he loved to poke that should pay a little more (in taxes).  The great so-called income inequality, all the result of working harder and being smarter (wait that’s racist).  Those who were bitching and whining are still in the same place.

    • #24124
      Tony (admin)

      The good news is that one can uncheck the politics category (home page).  It works!

    • #24126
      7 6

      Ironic.  I suspect newbomb myself and one or two others were thinking the same thing about CONservatives.  

      • #24131
        Tony (admin)

        The whole thing on both sides (neither of which I consider myself affiliated with) is out of control on social networks. FB is almost not even useable anymore.

    • #24133
      6 2

      You’ll be ok cupcake.  Do you need a safe space?

      Edit:  jhill knows I’m just messing with him…I hope.

    • #24135
      Tacoma Ute

      The good thing about this site is the politics are kept in the proper category. On UFN people would intentionally post them in Misc, Media Smack and yes often in sports categories, no doubt to make sure those who have politics unchecked would see them. The tone was often very ugly too. Those type of posts aren’t going to change anyone’s mind. Pointless ridicule and insults just cause those who disagree to dig in deeper to their already entrenched positions.

    • #24137
      10 4

      A conservative preaching about less hatred.  Classic.

      • #24144
        8 9

        Given all the hatred on display by the loser liberals since the election, this post is just a bit ironic.  Never saw that from conservatives when Obamateur won.  Just remember, elections have consequences.  Suck it up buttercup.

        • #24146
          7 2

          “Never saw that from conservatives when Obamateur won.”  LOL, more “alternative facts” from the right-wing sheep.  Baaaaaah.

        • #24152
          3 1

          This should be archived or screen shot so that four years from now when Donald has FUBAR’D things beyond all recognition we can all have a good laugh

          Obamateur?  Oh you mean Obama the guy with third highest approval rating in history when leaving office?

          trump came in with the lowest approval rating ever 40% and he’s managed to drop to 31% this week

          i wasn’t  a fan of HRC or trump   Ironic that trump brought in the same kind of cabinet members he said HRC would bring in


          • #24155
            6 6

            Approval rating?  Was that done by the same pollsters who had Hillary winning easily……until she didn’t?

            1.6% GDP growth, the lowest of any president.

            Lowest job participation rate of any president.

            Incresed the government deficit from $9 trillion to $20 trillion.

            Was a complete joke in international relations (see Israel, Russia, etc)

            Instilled and fomented class and race warfare.

            Aided and abetted terrorists.

            Anti gun to the end.

            P**sed away billions on the Global Warming hoax.

            I could go on.  He was a complete disaster.

            • #24158
              12 2
              Newbomb Turk

              You lost all credibility when you said “global warming hoax”

            • #24162
              6 3

              Approval rating?  Was that done by the same pollsters who had Hillary winning easily……until she didn’t?

              Irrelevant.  A poll can’t predict the future.  However, they can predict people’s current thoughts.

              1.6% GDP growth, the lowest of any president.

              Obama came into office during one of the worst global recessions ever.  Of course GDP growth rate was stagnant.  If you had any knowledge of macroeconomic principles, you’d know this.

              Lowest job participation rate of any president.

              See above.

              Incresed the government deficit from $9 trillion to $20 trillion.

              National debt always increases during recessions due to increased government spending to counteract the negative economic effects.

              Was a complete joke in international relations (see Israel, Russia, etc)

              Kinda like how Trump is Putin’s bitch?

              Instilled and fomented class and race warfare.

              Class and race warfare has existed for all of mankind.  But yeah, you’re right, Obama single-handedly caused this.

              Aided and abetted terrorists.

              Well, he found and killed Bin Laden.  Something that Bush couldn’t do; but he did spend $12 Trillion in taxpayer funds on a completely pointless war in Iraq.

              Anti gun to the end.

              Good.  This country has an unhealthy obession with guns.  As Obama so astutely said: “…it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

              Spot on Obama, spot on.

              P**sed away billions on the Global Warming hoax.

              This comment speaks volumes toward your level of intelligence.

              • #24199
                1 2

                Irrelevant.  A poll can’t predict the future.  However, they can predict people’s current thoughts.

                I know this is difficult for you, but you missed the point, to no surprise.  The point is garbage in, garbage out.  These are same junk polls produced by the same liberal media that led Hillary to mismanage her election campaign.

                Obama came into office during one of the worst global recessions ever.  Of course GDP growth rate was stagnant.  If you had any knowledge of macroeconomic principles, you’d know this.

                The 1.6% GDP growth excludes Obamateur’s first two years where they give him a hall pass for the recession.  Ah, but he still blames Bush for his full 8 years on poor performance.

                Lowest job participation rate of any president.

                See above.

                See blame Bush for 8 years.

                Incresed the government deficit from $9 trillion to $20 trillion.

                National debt always increases during recessions due to increased government spending to counteract the negative economic effects.

                Effects of the recession lasted 2 years.   See blame Bush for 8 years.

                Was a complete joke in international relations (see Israel, Russia, etc)

                Kinda like how Trump is Putin’s bitch?

                Trump hasn’t even met Putin and I’m quite sure that Putin is taking him real seriously, unlike Obamateur and his bitch Hillary.

                Instilled and fomented class and race warfare.

                Class and race warfare has existed for all of mankind.  But yeah, you’re right, Obama single-handedly caused this.

                See Obamateur’s response to the situation in Ferguson and many more similar instances.  

                Aided and abetted terrorists.

                Well, he found and killed Bin Laden.  Something that Bush couldn’t do; but he did spend $12 Trillion in taxpayer funds on a completely pointless war in Iraq.

                It was Bush’s intel that allowed Obamateur to kill Bin Laden.  Iraq War costs are estimated at $2 trillion, so you really need to get your facts straight.  


                Most of that cost was incurred under Bush, yet Obamateur blamed his deficits on Bush for 8 years largely because of 1) Financial crisis induced recession, and 2) Iraq War costs, largely incurred under Bush, see above.

                Anti gun to the end.

                Good.  This country has an unhealthy obession with guns.  As Obama so astutely said: “…it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

                Spot on Obama, spot on.

                They cling to snowflakes like them.  Suck it up buttercup.  Guns don’t kill people.  People kill people.

                P**sed away billions on the Global Warming hoax.

                This comment speaks volumes toward your level of intelligence.

                Regardless of your beliefs on the hypothesis of AGW, I just need to point out to the $500 lost on Solyndra, the $1.6 billion of guaranteed debt on Ivanpah Solar plant south of Las Vegas which has now been converted to equity.  Oh and Ivanpah runs on 25% natural gas just to make hay and is still not in compliance with its output contract with the utilities.  Then I point out the 30% Federal tax subsidies for wind and solar installations and I easily get into the billons and yet there has been no impact on the climate other than some scorched birds at Ivanpah.  This doesn’t even address the billions in grants issued to study Climate Change, or the $500 million check Obamateur wrote to 3rd world countries for Climate Change during his last week in office. 

                Money from the federal government and leftist organizations fuel a lot of misinformation from man-made global warming alarmists.  Climate change alarmism is an extremely lucrative industry. All in all, there have been over $32.5 billion of federal government grants that have funded climate change research from 1989-2009, far more than any research funded by the oil industry. National Review reports:

                Last summer, a minority staff report from the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works gave details on a “Billionaire’s Club” — a shadowy network of charitable foundations that distribute billions to advance climate alarmism. Shadowy nonprofits such as the Energy Foundation and Tides Foundation distributed billions to far-left green groups such as the Natural Resources Defense Council, which in turn send staff to the EPA who then direct federal grants back to the same green groups. It is incestuous. It is opaque. Major media ignored the report.

                Mann, one of the scientists mentioned earlier for his role in the Climategate scandal, received nearly $6 million in grants from the federal government. The sources of funding for scientists like Hansen are unknown, the federal government has been resisting Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to reveal them.

                Now back up your level of intelligence with some facts, as opposed to opinion.

            • #24163
              4 1

              Clearly your mind is made up and nothing myself or anybody else says will sway you. 


              trump/republicans = heroes 

              I hope trump ends up being a great president.  In my opinion his cabinet picks indicate he’s a liar and off to a p**s poor start 

              my 401K  tanked during the bush years.  Recovered under Obama 

              obama may be anti gun but he certainly didn’t round them up or make them illegal now did he?  I still have my entire Arsenal. Not one Jack booted Obama thug came to get them. 

              I think trump will be horrible for the environment if you’re a hunter that should scare the hell out of you 


              • #24202
                1 1

                At the low in 2009, under Obamateur, I was down 7 figs in my equity portfolio.  I correctly forecasted what the Fed would do, and which sectors and companies would benefit, and adjusted my investments accordingly.  I’ve now more than tripled those investments AND I was out of work for over a year and never took unemployment.  Obamateur and his followers would say “you didn’t build that”, “that was the result of your white priviledge.”  F them.

                • #24205
                  Tony (admin)

                  I need a loan.

                • #24239

                  Funny how you threw in “under Obamateur”. He had just taken the reins, and inherited the worst recession in modern times. We were still teetering on an economic cliff. He managed to right the ship to a large extent, and stave off disaster. That’s not all to his credit; Bush helped with his bailouts and policy changes before leaving office, but the economic collapse surely had nothing to do with Obama.

                  It’s fine that you don’t like Obama, I have many beefs with the guy, but this is every bit as “angry” and divisive as the crap those people you hate on the left pull. It also answers my questions a bit. If an intelligent, accomplished man such as yourself can delude your thinking to the point of blaming this on Obama, then I can start to see how buying patent lies becomes easy.

                  • #24241
                    2 1

                    He believes that the effects of the great recession lasted only two years.  He also believes that global warming is a hoax.

                    I am done.  I simply can’t argue with someone who’s delusions are so deep.  It’s quite sad.

                    • #24254

                      Dude, I merely pointed out that the quoted statistic gave Obama a hall pass for the first two years.

                      If you think Obama had anything to do with a recovery, better think twice about that.  Fed kept rates ridiculously low as the economy deleveraged.

                      I vote with my wallet.  No economy has ever taxed itself into prosperity.  Obama raised the rates on capital gains to 23%, yet no discernible benefit to the economy or tax revenue.

                      Liberals are famous for wanting everyone else to be taxed higher, just not them.  They fret over some excutive or wealthy guy paying a lower TAX RATE than their secretary.  Well that’s the tax code.  And I guarantee the absolute amount of taxes paid by the 2% is staggering.  You pay more in taxes on earned income than you do on capital gains, for a reason.  They want to encourage investment in the economy.  It should be the goal of everyone to get to the point where you make more from capital gains than from earned income.  The tax structure is set up that way.

                      While on the subject of taxes, I’d be all for a flat tax rate plus a value added tax on consumption.  Eliminate all the guessing and envy over who pays what.  Earn more, pay more.  Buy more, pay more.

                      As to the cause of the financial crisis, there were many and it was collective and cumulative.  In the end, it took two to tango: greedy lenders and greedy borrowers, the latter happily taking the money so long as there was upside and turning over the keys when it didn’t work out.  Stupid is as stupid does.

                      Sad to see so many liberal young people because by the time they wake up and figure out socialism does not work,  It will be too late to change their financial situation.


                      • #24282

                        No, no you were not simply pointing that out. You are the type who will criticize him just because he is the current leader, but refuse to give him any credit even though he’s the current leader. Everything you have done so far here has been rife with irony, and as hypocritical as I can imagine. You keep lambasting liberals for their hatred and thin skin, but you continue to throw out ad hominems and silly names. You are as much a part of the problem as the types of liberals you are apparently obsessed with.

          • #24156
            6 1

            Trump holds the lowest approval rating of any incoming president, and yet, refuses to believe that his inauguration crowd size was smaller than Obama’s, even though Obama’s approval rating was twice that of Trump’s at inauguration.  

            He didn’t even win our country’s popular vote, and to him, that is inconceivable to the point where he makes up lies about illegal voting in an attempt to justify and explain how this could be.

            He is a textbook narcissist, and is embarrassing our country.  It wasn’t just our country out there protesting Trump, it was the entire world.

            • #24164
              3 2

              I just saw a Rasmussen daily tracking poll that had Trump’s approvals at 59%.  Maybe the other polls showing a lower approval just haven’t caught up with what Trump has done in this last week.

              • #24183
                2 1

                My post only referred to his approval rating on inauguration day.  The point of the post was to show that given his low approval rating, it’s easy to see why his crowd was less than at Obama’s inauguration.  A fact that Trump’s fragile ego refuses to accept.

                • #24225
                  2 1

                  So is measuring inauguration crowd size is like a dick measuring audition for a porn film?  Then I get it.

                  Let’s not forget the fact that most conservatives are busy working and making money.  If they took in the inauguration, they did so on TV after work.  I caught it in flight on my way back from NY.

                  Also don’t forget the very real threat of violence.  All those liberal anarchists getting a paycheck from Soros to break the windows out at Starbucks and Bank of American and burn a limo owned by a Muslim immigrant.  Irony, much.


            • #24195

              In all fairness, had Hillary won she would have had the lowest day 1 approval rating of any incoming President as well.  Just what we had to choose from…

    • #24157
      9 2

      Y’know, the pollsters actually had it figured about right.  Most predicted that Hillary would win by around 2.5 to 3 million votes, which she did.  What they had wrong was how those votes would be distributed, with about 100,000 votes (out of 120 million total) in three states swinging the EC to Trump.

      In reality, they weren’t really that far off.

      • #24161
        1 1
        Newbomb Turk

        Don’t confuse them with facts.

      • #24187

        That’s why Hillary could be the President of California.

    • #24167

      The Last time in history the democrats were this upset and vocal are when the Republicans free their slaves.

      This statement is Trump-level ignorant.  You do realize that Republicans and Democrats essentially flip-flopped their belief systems at the turn of the nineteenth century, right?  So, yes, thanks for reminding us that the modern day Democrats were the ones who freed the slaves.

      “During the 1860s, Republicans, who dominated northern states, orchestrated an ambitious expansion of federal power, helping to fund the transcontinental railroad, the state university system and the settlement of the West by homesteaders, and instating a national currency and protective tariff. Democrats, who dominated the South, opposed these measures. After the Civil War, Republicans passed laws that granted protections for African Americans and advanced social justice; again, Democrats largely opposed these expansions of power.”

    • #24169

      Hatred? Not sure who this is directed at. I’m assuming this is at least partially in response to my post. I made it clear that it’s not Trumps policies that are most troubling. We should all be disturbed by the way he is conducting himself. Your constant defense of his antics makes it seem like you’re only interested in toeing the party line.

    • #24188

      @Jhill while we might not agree on political viewpoints 100%, I’ve seen the thoughts you put into your view.. I’ve agreed on some of your points. And 100% we agree on the Utes.

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