Saw Rogue One

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    • #21763
      Tony (admin)

      Bride of admin and I don’t get out much with a 4 year old.  We saw Rogue One today. The last movie we went to was the previous Star Wars movie, whatever that was called.  It was pretty good.  We had those “vibration seats” and honestly I didn’t care for them.

      I didn’t feel the vibe on this one until about half way through, but did enjoy it.

    • #21769

      That Vader scene though.

    • #21770
      Big Kahuna

      I took my family on Wednesday.   We are in a more rural area on vacation and just went to a plain old theater.   Thought the beginning was a bit dark and busy.   Agree that by half way in I was hooked.   Liked it better than the last one.  

    • #21786

      When the audience knows how a movie is going to end…and that ending depends on all the characters dying, it is vital that you provide interesting characters and that you make the audience care about them. The failure of Rogue One to do that is one of the main reasons that I thought this movie was only ok.

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