Scrimmage highlights breakdown

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Scrimmage highlights breakdown

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    • #192571
      Ghost of the HEB

      Always a good day when scrimmage highlights get posted. The highlights are fast and short, but here’s what can be gathered from each clip:
      – Brandon Rose connects with Munir McClain on an out route. McClain makes a nice spin and runs through tackles of Zemaiah Vaughn and (I think) Sione Vaki
      – Bryson Barnes slings a pass. Don’t get to see the end result. Note that Barnes is the best only QB in the white jersey.
      – Money Parks catches a TD. Not sure who from. Excited to see Parks this year.
      – Nate Johnson connects with McClain on the sideline. McClain makes a nice one handed snag. Would be huge if McClain can help fill Kincaid’s role of big bodied move the chains type of target
      – Cole Bishop lays into Brandon Rose for the sack. Have heard rumblings about Rose’s health after today. Hope he’s good.
      – Johnson and Landen King (Auburn transfer) celebrate in the end zone. King’s potential is intriguing.
      – Levani Damuni unloads on Micah Bernard in the hole. Damuni is going to be a stud for us. Watching Stanford vs us last year, Damuni was easily their best player and was laying the wood. Glad he’s on our side.
      – Thomas Yassmin points for a first down. Another guy who needs to step up — especially with Kuithe’s uncertainty.

    • #192575
      Ute Dub

      “Laying the wood!”

    • #192577
      3 1

      PAC12 refs gonna review that Damuni hit for a target…LAST season of that s**t.

    • #192578

      You may realize this, but thought I’d point it out given the comparison between Munir and DK. Munir moved back to WR this spring. He can still fill the role in a way, but likely from the outside…

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