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Season Ending. Farewell Cam Rising.

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    • #228616

    • #228622
      Rick Walker

      Poor Cam. As frustrating as the last two years have been for fans it’s got to be 100x worse for a guy who has committed his whole life thus far to the game he loves. I wish him well in life and thank him for the big moments he gave us.

    • #228625
      The Miami Ute

      Well, no one will ever be able to take the two Rose Bowl appearances and that electrifying TD run in the first one away from him. He was 1st Team All PAC in 2021 and that’s also something that no one will ever be able to take away from him. I sincerely hope that the school does something special for him in the last home game.

      All that being said, that last sentence in Furlong’s tweet leaves the door open for a possible return. Stay with me on this…Cam McCormick a TE at the University of Miami is, wait for it, a ninth-year senior. He missed three full seasons due to injury and is still playing college football. It wouldn’t surprise if Whitt at least examines the possibility of a Cam return in 2025. And, as I read the regulation, Cam qualifies for a medical redshirt.

      • #228652
        2008 National Champ

        He is eligible and as I read the quote from Whitt in the DNews, it’s not completely off the table for him to come back:

        There is a possibility for Rising to take another medical redshirt and play an eighth year of college football.

        Have Whittingham and Rising already had conversations about that?

        “No, but there will be now that we’re in the situation that we’re in, that’s a possibility, I think,” Whittingham said. “I don’t know, again, we have to explore it in detail with the compliance and I’m not even sure Cam would be interested in going that route. He’s got a lot to think about and so just take a step back right now … get this most recent injury thoroughly diagnosed and on the road to rehab and then that would be something we’d talk about sooner rather later,”

        • #228657
          The Miami Ute

          Betcha he’s coming back…he’s got the rest of his life for a 9-5 gig.

          • #228676
            2008 National Champ

            I was hoping we could have at least a week before the will he, won’t he talk started back up. Instead I got an hour to try to fall back in love with Utah football before the guest who won’t leave set up his tent in my brain again.

    • #228627
      12 1

      So, Cam took a season ending injury early in the game and played the entire game. Let’s talk about heart! Anyone who says he just wants to collect his NIL and sit needs an adjustment.

      • #228628

        That’s really the part about this saga that bothers me the most: That fans were calling him soft, weak, and not a gamer. Cam is many things, but those are not remotely close to being right. If anything, Cam is a warrior to a fault.

      • #228629
        14 1
        The Miami Ute

        That’s one way of looking at it. Another would be why would Whitt and Lud allow someone with that type of injury to play the entire game and jeopardize Utah’s season. It isn’t like they didn’t have proof right in front of their eyes that something was massively off with Rising. That to me, is a severe case of coaching malpractice.

        • #228635

          Both can be true. He’s just specifically referencing Cam’s toughness and people who have questioned that.

          • #228651
            4 3
            The Miami Ute

            Not trying to be a troll, but there’s a point where toughness crosses over into stupidity and, dare I say it, selfishness. You’d think that Cam, having probably the worst game of his life (late in the game he had a 30 percent completion rate), would have tapped out and allowed a healthy Isaac to take over for him. The other side of the coin is Rising thinking wrongly that, even as broke as he was, he was better than Isaac. I could understand Rising staying in and playing injured if he was lighting it up. But he wasn’t. Instead, he was stinking it up, missing easy throws, and throwing hospital balls because his passes lacked any zip. He should have been pulled after he got injured in the first series.

      • #228656
        2008 National Champ

        We don’t know when the injury happened. The torn meniscus, if the rumor is true, could have easily come on that last sack which was really ugly in real time.

    • #228634

      Sad news, he left it all on the field.

      • #228642

        Coaches need to be held accountable, the ramifications of such mismanagement has destroyed this years team and jeopardizes our future recruiting.

        Big shout out to Rising thanks for all the great memories, you’re one of the greats and a BAMF.

        • #228679

          Not to mention risking further injury to Cam for keeping him out there. Whitt seriously has handled this situation in the WORST WAY IMAGINABLE.

    • #228639

      Cam is among my all time favorite Utes and and will go down as one of our all time greats. Love ya Cam.

      Sorry I was frustrated with you 3 weeks ago. It wasn’t really frustration with you but more of the coaching staff not giving any info out and calling the injury day to day for three weeks.

    • #228646
      3 5

      You’ve got to be kidding me… If Cam comes back next year, whether he plays a down or not, I’m not watching Utah Ute football. Posted it a week or so ago, cut bait! Move on! Next!

      • #228655
        The Miami Ute

        It’s really up to him, isn’t it? He doesn’t have to come back to Utah but he will qualify for a medical redshirt and I already mentioned the example of Cam McCormick over at the U. If Utah doesn’t want him, I’m sure that there will be a market for him somewhere.

    • #228654
      Charlie Foxtrot

      After seeing the replay of him getting rolled up on, it doesn’t surprise me that whatever the injuries are that they are season ending. He had limited mobility the entire game and I bet it’s even worse now. I hope that continuing to play on it didn’t aggravate or make things worse. At this point he needs to think about the kind of mobility and health he wants to have for the rest of his everyday life, not just future sports endeavors.

    • #228669

      Cam is a legend- one of our best qbs of all time amd led our team to two pac 12 championships! Owned USC, laid it all on the line. I agree, I sincerely hope he takes his own health seriously. He has sacrificed knees, shoulders, fingers and head for this team. Time to heal, and move on. Best wishes Cam, we love you and thank you for what you gave us.

    • #228694

      Going back to 1978, my freshman year, University of Utah beat BYU at Rice Stadium, 23-22, when Randy Gomez threw the touchdown to Frank Henry link, to win the game, I’ve watch QBs come and go, Cam Rising the latest, and favorite.

      Cameron J. Rising is now part of Ute football history, I do not think he plays another down. But I will remember the Oregon and USC games, and the Rose Bowls, and appreciate the heart of a gunslinger.

      • #228695

        yeah, right? We have had a great run with Huntley, and then Rising. Hopefully Wilson will step up and keep things going. Rising has been a great quarterback, and a warrior, and I wish him nothing but the best.

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