Should I date the Russian women or the Chinese

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    • #4079

      I’ve been wondering for a while how you were funding the site. I’m pleased to log in today and see some advertisements running along the sidebar. I’d like to support our advertisers but am having a tough time deciding whether I should sign up to date the Russian women or the Chinese. I asked my wife’s opinion, but she hasn’t been very helpful. What are the pros and cons of each? 🙂

      Seriously, though, it’s nice to see advertisers on the site. It means we have enough users to make this board viable. Well done, Tony. I really like what you have put together.

    • #4081
      Tony (admin)

      Yep I just installed two google ads as a bit of a test. I actually felt bad putting them up. I could finance the whole thing out of pocket I guess but the goal for now is to get the site to cover its own expenses. I wonder how long that might take, or if it will even happen. Check out my commentary on the latest Ute Hub Blog post.

      Now you do know that the ads display contextually, based on a user’s browsing history and such. So my guess is you or the wife have been on the Russian women dating sites… hehe. I’m seeing an ad for a wallet.

      EDIT: Since you mentioned it I thought I’d look at the ad stats and see what if anything has happened. I can report that Ute Hub has made its first five cents!

    • #4082
      Tony (admin)

      Personally, I’d go Russian.

      • #4084

        Well I’m seeing a Chrysler ad and I haven’t shopped for a car in like 2 years. Russian dating site sounds more interesting.

    • #4085

      Tough choice.
      I’m seeing an add for a service I already subscribe to and have for over a decade. Solid work Google.

    • #4086
      Tony (admin)

      Hopefully it will get smarter as time goes on and will better understand the site and its visitors.

    • #4106
      Tony (admin)

      Just found some settings in the Google setup and allow me to select or deselect certain “sensitive” categories. Dating ads will no longer be seen. Say goodbye to the Russian hotties.

    • #4124

      Awesome thread. I didn’t know the ads were on, I just turned off my ad-blocker on this domain so the ads will display.

      • #4132

        I will also turn off ad blocker for this site and support your sponsors when possible. I hope you are able to line up some local business sponsorships as well.

    • #4133
      Tony (admin)

      I hope you are able to line up some local business sponsorships as well.

      That’s what I’d really like to see.

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