Shoutout to all the poke fans

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Shoutout to all the poke fans

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    • #224010
      Jim Vanderhoof

      I think it’s great hearing from the poke fans. It adds a lot to Ute hub and Tony our fearless leader is always a gracious host.

      We all want our teams to win but at the end of the day we can sit down and have beer and be friends. Shoutout to the pokes posting and I hope when you come to Salt Lake we can make sure you have a great experience.

    • #224079
      13 1

      Thanks for the kind words! I’ve always looked at Rice Eccles as a LOUD and imposing place to play. Glad the games in Stillwater.

      Utah fans are definitely not short on passion and I couldn’t be happier about having y’all in the conference. This is a matchup between two great and similar football programs that I’ve wanted to see for awhile.

      Hope Rising is good to go and both teams are as healthy as possible to put on a great show for the nation on FOX!

      • #224094

        Welcome, Ben and any other OK State fans. This game has been circled by most Utah fans as our toughest game of the season. Who knows what will happen with the conference teams as the season moves along. But, This is the game I have been most worried about.

        I don’t like the forecast for this Saturday. Is it always so hot in Stillwater in mid to late September?

        • #224102

          There’s definitely a heat wave going on right now, it’s usually not quite this hot but Oklahoma weather is so unpredictable, and frankly downright sucks.

          I live in North Alabama now and never realized how bad the Oklahoma climate is lol. One summer had a heat wave with a month of days between 110-117 degrees and in the winter the damp humid wind chill gets into the negatives. Not even mentioning the massive tornadoes in the seasons where the temperature is actually comfortable.

          • #224140
            2008 National Champ

            I used to play softball tournaments in OKC. One year it was in the 80’s for a February tournament and then we got snowed on when we went back in March.

            Which actually isn’t that different from Salt Lake. Plenty of humidity comes off that blue thing directly to the west and it was absolute writ that there would be at least one snow practice during spring ball.

    • #224086

      Always had a soft spot in my heart for Oklahoma State (who has played in the shadow of the teams I will not mention who departed for the SEC)

      Looking forward to when the Cowboys pay a visit to Rice-Eccles and hope a lot of fans make the trip.

      • #224088

        Haha it must be nice being the premier program in the state! The national media is kinder to OSU than the local thanks to….ugh… them. Hopefully the realignment will allow OSU to develop much more of their own identity of success.

    • #224090

      Accidentally submitted the same post twice

      • #224109
        Tony (admin)

        How’d you accidentally submit twice? I’m trying to figure out how to prevent that!

        • #224141
          2008 National Champ

          If you make a post and then hit the back arrow trying to get back to the forum, you will see your post again with the option to submit. Not sure if that is what is happening to others but I made the mistake of resubmitting a couple of times and hid it by editing the 2nd post.

          Now I’m in the habit of clicking my shortcut to the forum after every post so that I don’t double up.

          • #224163
            Tony (admin)

            Ok cool. Yeah just hit the home link or click on the Ute Hub logo to go to the main page. Don’t hit back after posting!!!

    • #224093

      Honestly, as much as I have confidence in our team, i am worried about the 100 degree weather that will be there on game day. remember when Utah played Florida in the swamp? players were throwing up on the field due to the humidity.

      • #224097
        Jim Vanderhoof

        That has been my concern also. We are used to dry heat not both.

        • #224100
          2008 National Champ

          at least half of the team and 90% of the coaches were in the Swamp two years ago. This temp/humidity thing is pretty overblown unless you think nothing has been implemented about how to prepare since then

          • #224108

            I don’t think overblown is the word when half the team was throwing up on the field. I was in the swamp that year and it was crazy how much humidity can play a factor in a game. The players were trying to drink as much water and Gatorade as they could but also throwing it up.

            • #224142
              2008 National Champ

              It’s overblown because both teams have to play in the same conditions. Just like Utah’s opponents have to figure out a way to deal with the elevation and weather at RES, Utah has to figure out what to do when they go on the road. And it’s also very easy to overhydrate and cause the same physical issues you were referring to.

              The whole discussion feels like people trying to pre-plan an excuse for why the game may not go the way they want it to. The week before Baylor last year, all anyone could talk about was how hot it was going to be and how humid. Then the team didn’t play well. And for the rest of the year, it wasn’t a bad performance by a crappy offense it was because of the weather. Didn’t matter that the offense sucked for the rest of the year. That game was because of the weather.

              • #224155

                I understand what you mean by overblown and both teams have to play in the same conditions. However, I would argue that acclimation means something as well. We jump from 40s to 90s here sometimes literally overnight and consistently run pretty high humidity. When that happens, it is very unpleasant. I get where you’re coming from though. Not sure if that means anything to you but at worst you understand the weather here is insane.

                • #224160
                  1 1
                  2008 National Champ

                  I lived in Wichita for 6 years. I understand the weather patterns in that area.

                  If we were talking about golf, yeah weather absolutely matters because the morning flight can go out in clear skies with not a hint of wind while the afternoon flight has to play in a monsoon.

                  But it’s 2024. You don’t have to be a meteorologist to look up the last twenty years of weather on September 20 in Stillwater to see if there are any trends to relative temp and humidity. There are fairly reliable 14 day forecasts. Teams have climate controlled facilities that allow them to simulate temp & humidity. Utah’s staff has twenty years of experience prepping teams for any weather condition in pretty much every part of the country by now.

                  So if OSU wins, they win. Pat ’em on the butt, congratulate them for the effort, tell them you look forward to the next chance to take them down. But sheesh, don’t blame it on the refs, the weather, lack of effort by the losing team, poor sportmanship by the winning team, don’t call for coaches to be fired, don’t pretend someone who disagrees with you is calling for the coaches to be fired.,,

                  • #224168

                    Agreed 100%. But can’t recreate a handful of factors. Thinner O2 at elevation for example (unless they can recreate that which is sick). Hopefully no bs calls for either side, no nonsense and we get a great game

                    • #224173
                      1 1
                      2008 National Champ

                      Vegas pumps in O2 in their casinos so that you don’t get drunk on all the free drinks. Better to keep the players buzzed and losing than puking in their hotel rooms with full wallets. As long as you can seal a building or room, you can adjust any of the air components, over / underpressure.,,

                      • #224184
                        Jim Vanderhoof

                        100 degrees and humidity is no factor. Says the guy from his air conditioned office. It will be a factor for both sides. The pokes have at least been acclimated by living there and practicing in it. You might want to ask a few players who played in the swamp a couple years ago. It’s not an excuse and a win is a win. Some players can fight through it some can’t . Same can be said about elevation and freezing weather.

          • #224229

            Actually, accumulation is a real thing to me and many I know. Lots of back and forth to Tucson for grad school and Houston working in energy from SLC showed me that. Accumulation does not happen in 4 days, maybe 10 days will take it down from killing you to just hating it. The immediate step is to avoid talking about it in a negative way and try things to cut part of the problem out. The coaches, among themselves, will for sure discuss and worry about it. But we enjoy altitude here vs the costal schools. No one feels sorry for you, do what you can and deal with it. Myself, the best thing is to have quality depth to allow liberal rotations and start with it early.

    • #224107

      It’s been great! Thanks for having us. For any of you coming to the game. The link below will have links to all the information you need about a Cowboy Football Game Day.

      Cowboy Football Game Day Guide

    • #224114
      Georgia Poke

      Thanks for the welcome.

    • #224152

      Appreciate the kind words from Utah fans and I’ve appreciated the banter on twitter. I live 40 mins from Stillwater. It’s odd, this will be our hottest game of the season so far. But in the grand scheme of things isn’t that bad for here. Even still, SDSU and Arkansas were “cramping” quite often. Whether that was due to heat/humidty, poor hydration, OK State tempo or something else…. I can’t say. I can say, Saturday, it will be very hot on the field and I firmly believe OSU has been one of the most well conditioned teams in nation for quite some time. Hopefully Cam plays and we great game!

    • #224222

      Part of the home advantage is being acclimated to condition including temperature, humidity, and altitude.

      Humid heat will favor the Cowboys just and altitude will favor the Utes on the return trip to Salt Lake.

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