Welcome to Ute Hub › Forums › Utah Utes Sports › Football › Sh*t I had UCLA as a Utah win
maybe not
Both teams look soft on defense.
agreed. But how does this help Utah..
Playing against a soft defense will be very helpful for Utah.
If their defenses are weak, that helps our offense.
Or does our weak offense help their soft defenses look stronger?
I propose that if Utah does better than 2 wins Pace changes his name to negative nancy. All in favor?
Holy Sh*t… two wins? Even I have the bar set higher than that.
5 wins possible
6 wins probable
It will take at least 9 wins to take the south.
With the calls USC is getting it will take 10.
If Utah can’t beat UCLA they can’t beat anyone in the south
both teams look like crap
Serious question: is there a way to block/stop seeing post from a specific poster?