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Sicario Day of Soldado

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    • #60547

      Really enjoyed this movie. Kind of weird/maybe not so coincidental when it got released with current politics. 

      If you see the first one and disliked how Emily Blunt’s character sort of changed you may like this one more. I personally couldn’t stand the main character from the first one. This second movie is all anti hero(Del Toro and Brolin). I loved it and really crossing my fingers for a third. It is pretty rare when a sequel is better than the first movie. 

    • #60548

      not safe for the children

    • #60549

      Really good movie, but I thought the first one was a bit better.

      • #60551

        I read into the movie a bit more and it made me realize why I liked it so much. It was a standalone movie. You didn’t need to even watch the first one to know what was going on. I really hope they get a third billing. Looks like it has exceeded expectations money wise this weekend. 

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