Sitake as BYU’s savior

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    • #28440

      Lady mentioned below how BYU fans seem to believe that Sitake is their savior and how much better he is than Mendenhall.

      I don’t understand where they get this idea that Sitake is so much better than Bronco.

      In 2015 Bronco led BYU to a 9-4 record against a schedule rated #65 by Sagarin.

      In 2016 Sitake led BYU to a 9-4 record against a schedule rated #75 by Sagarin.

      BYU fans somehow see this as an improvement over Bronco which is weird when you consider that Sitake inherited a team that returned nearly every starter from 2015 plus the return of Williams and Hill who sat out the previous season due to honor code and injury.

      He took virtually the same team and performed the same as, or worse than if you factor in SOS, his predecessor.

      Throw in Sitake’s recruiting rankings which are pretty much identical to Bronco’s and I just don’t see what they see. Am I crazy?


    • #28443

      They also think that Sitake is a better recruiter than Bronco, even though he didn’t add any players to Bronco’s class last year (let me rephrase, he didn’t add any players above two stars) and his class was worse this year than most of Bronco’s classes. 

      They are up in the night. They are FBYU-P fans and insane. 

      They are due for another beatdown and if Troy Taylor can give us any sort of offense, we will win by 17+ points this fall. I don’t think they get 24 points on our defense. If we can put up 35+ like Toledo or WVU…game over. 


    • #28448

      Well this is a fan base that thinks Hill was an actual real QB. Even a potential Heisman and first round NFL QB at that. 

      Mangum their future Heisman(despite being on zero watch lists) also has accuracy issues. This is a guy who couldn’t beat out Hill for the starting job. 

      I will say this about TDS their recruiting classes do out perform their rankings like Utah. 

      • #28454

        Their recruiting classes do not out peform their rankings. BYU usually has then #1 or #2 G5 recruiting class. They beat crappy P5 teams, G5 teams (because they have more talent than most G5 teams) and lose to good P5 schools. 

        They perform right where they should: A top G5 team that can occasionally take down a good P5 team. 

    • #28452

      Kalani’s more personable than Bronco and the alumni like him better.  I laugh at the comparisons because Kalani is a disciple/product of Whittingham, and if you watched any byu football last year you pretty much saw Kyle’s brand of football all over the field (stout D, ball control O, lean heavily on special teams for field position).  So in essence they’re giddy over a near clone of a guy they absolutely hate.  Kalani will carve out his own identity but byu fans are the worst at eating their own.  Two or three more seasons of them not getting to a NY6 game and they’ll be calling for a shake up.  Again.

      • #28456

        But Ty F**KING Detmer (so, it’s ok to swear sometimes if you are a FBYU-P fan? OK) will bring back the 80’s football!!!!

        He has a Heisman! He taught Brett Favre how to QB! He was a coach for decades in the NFL!

    • #28458

      I had this discussion with Phil Olsen last summer. He was absolutely afraid that Kalani was a game changer for BYU. Understand he is coming from a Utah State perspective. His take was that as a Poly head coach Kalani could draw on that bloc and it would destroy the recruiting for the rest of the college teams in the state because they would be relegated to picking from the left overs. To some extent we have seen an uptick in quality recruits for Kalani, particularly in state. I think that’s because Bronco had become such a negative within the poly community that he drove some of the polys with better options away. Kalani will fix that. Overall, though, I don’t think it affects Utah as much as the bigger schools pushing into the state, and that will impact all schools within the state. Utah can overcome any gains by BYU in state with recruits from outside the state (as we saw this year). BYU, however, is stuck. Without the ability to access higher quality recruits because of a P5 affiliation they will eventually wan. Kalani will probably slow that process, but the downward spiral will continue.

      • #28467

        Even BYU’s big “win” this year with in-state recruiting…How much of a “win” was it? 

        Top 10 in state kids:

        Tufele, Jones, Heimuli-Lund, Ah You, Tuifua, Damuni, McChesney, Fauatea, Bywater, Lolohea (according to 247). 

        BYU got Ah You because they hired his dad. Not a loss there. 

        BYU got Tuifua. May be a loss, but the “insiders” claimed that Tuifua didn’t want to play with Tufele in college and when Utah chose Tufele…they lost Tuifua. If Utah knew Tufele was leaving and went all in with Tuifua in September, I’d bet he’d be signed with Utah right now. 

        McChesney did not have a Utah offer. No, they didn’t beat out Utah there. 

        So, where was this big “in state win over Utah”? 

        Because of Ah You and Tuifua? 


      • #28490

        This argument assumes that Utah Polynesian players are the be-all and end-all to college football success. While I would not want the Utes to miss out on the best Poly players, especially in-state, it is laughable to think that is the key to college football recruiting overall. How many Polynesian players has Ohio State or Alabama had on their rosters over the past few years?

        Sitake recruiting Polynesian players for BYU is actually preferable to the Sitake recruiting for a P5 team; there are certain players who are hard-core Mormon or legacy BYU families the Utes may lose out to BYU in any case, but the Utes still have the P5 vs P5-pretender card to play.

        • #28494

          Not a be all and end all, but certainly a key to past success at Utah.

    • #28464

      It’s called the ‘grass is always greener’ snydrome.  They forced Chow out for the same reason.

      Unfortunately they are not unique with this syndrome.  Utah fans experience it as well and thus the ongoing insane arguments to get rid of Whit or Coach K.  

    • #28466

      The bottom line is that any recruit thinking of going to TDS has to agree to sign on to their Honor Code. Whether it is enforced or not later on they still have to sign and that will always deter a lot of recruits. And if the recruit is a minority they know exactly what will happen if they break the honor code and it gets reported. That is a big deterrent for a lot of kids. There are even a lot of LDS kids who are not interested in signing on to curfews, dress codes, and the like just to go to college. Some kids like the structure so TDS will always have an advantage recruiting that type but your average HS kid is not like that at all. Even if the HC enforcement is more lax for athletes there is still the possibility that some Nosy Nate will report even the appearance of an infraction.

      • #28477

        This 1000x. Even the zoobs I talked to acknowledged that mormon kids who want the religious experience can get it at Utah but without the threat of HC violation if they ”slip up”.

    • #28469

      These are the same fans that are salivating over a 400+ lb recruit who has never played a down of football. They’re delusional. 

    • #28473
      Puget Ute

      Not that it really matters, but they were 12 points away from being 13-0 last year. Their biggest losses were by 3 points to UCLA and to WVU, with 1-pt losses to Utah and Boise State. (and they also won several games by only a few points, so this point is largely moot).

      • #28498

        I love how you mooted your own point!  Awesome move Puget!

      • #28516
        Tony (admin)

        Yeah and Clemson was 759 points short of losing every game last year.

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