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  • Author
    • #7075
      Tony (admin)

      Though you may not “see” what I’ve been working on, I’ve improved some of the code in the threaded forum view, that’s the one which shows similar to UF.N or CB. In there the “latest sitewide activity” info was not being correctly created on the home page. That’s fixed.

      I’m also playing with rotating some background images based on relevance.

    • #7087
      Summit Ute

      Great work thanks Tony!

    • #7088

      The chat bar was interfering with the post window earlier on my iPhone 6

    • #7090
      Tony (admin)

      The chat bar was interfering with the post window earlier on my iPhone 6

      When you say “was” does that mean it is not anymore? @beehiveute

    • #7092

      I am using chrome. I just tried to replicate it and it didn’t do it.

    • #7094

      How do I activate the threaded view?

    • #7096
      Tony (admin)

      @utefanatic go to the Forum menu and select “Forum Threads.”

      Or go here:

    • #7098

      Not sure if this is Chrome’s doing, but I have trouble staying logged in when I use the thread view. I navigate there and the page needs me to sign in, and when I do it takes me to the main page, then I navigate back and I need to sign in again. It happens regularly. I know Chrome uses cached pages to make it work faster is this the problem?

    • #7100
      Tony (admin)

      @maximumkungfu that’s a new one. I’m using chrome too and have not seen an issue like that. What is your device? PC, Mac, Mobile?

      If you can, clear your browser cache/history and all that and see what happens.

      • #7107

        I’m running chrome on a PC. I did that and at first and nothing changed. What I ended up doing was signing in. Posting under the traditional site then hoping over and magically it stuck. I’m not gonna screw with it now.

    • #7114
      Tony (admin)

      I do know if you visit a page not logged in, then go to another page and login, then hit the back button to the un-logged in page, it will appear as if you are not logged in. But if you hit refresh on that page, it will show you logged in.

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