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    • #55244

      Over/Under the SL-Trib drops the cash-grab? 1 year. 

    • #55250

      Assuming they last a year?  

    • #55253

      Seems to be the route all papers are going to stay financially viable. The problem, at least for the Trib, is that there are still two major papers, and only one of them is charging money. That is going to be very tough for the SL Trib. I only read the SLC papers for sports, so when I hit my limit on the tribune, I am inclined to get my sports fix through this site or the D News than pay for a Trib subscription. To justify a subscription, I need to feel like I am missing important content. But I don’t think I will, so long as there are other platforms that cover Utah sports adequately.

      • #55256

        Psssst… A friend told me he has no trouble reading all the Trib stories he wants by just clicking the reload and then stop buttons in quick succession in the browser. They’re the same button in Chrome, not sure on other browsers. Not that I’d try anything like that…

        • #55260

          Hah! I just tried it and it works. Did it in Chrome. Had to double click 3-4 times. 

        • #55261
          Mr Chainsaw

          Or in Chrome, hit F12 to open the HTML debugger, scroll down to the bottom and pick the one or two  <div> tags that define the blocking window and press Delete.  You’re welcome 🙂 

          • #55264
            Mr Chainsaw

            Also, when I got the message on my phone about reaching my monthly maximum, I just opened the website in incognito mode and was able to read the rest of the story fine.  I assume they have cookies tracking page visits so in theory I don’t know how they block incognito browsing.

        • #55277
          Tony (admin)

          Pretty funny.  I did the same thing. Opened dev tools and got rid of the div covering the article. But really, it’s not worth my time to even do that.  

    • #55255

      You know the workaround to be able to read every article, even after you have reached your 10 free? It’s not user friendly, but, it’s better than paying IMO.



      Copy and paste the whole article into word. When you get the pop-up that blocks everything… CTRL+A, CTRL+C, then paste into word…it’s messy, but it gets you every word from the article. 

    • #55263
      Mr Chainsaw

      I think it will backfire.  I like reading the trib enough to deal with a few ads, but not enough to pay for it.  There seems to be so many sources for news content now that it’s value has decreased over time, not increased.

      • #55265

        Bingo…this is the crux of the issue. With the advent of the internet, the barrier to entry to do widespread print journalism went from very high (i.e. you had to own a multi-million dollar printing press) to very low. That brought a ton of competitors and decreased the value of print media with it. Now print media are trying to figure out how to survive without their de facto monopoly. And the only “valuable” asset they own is a multi-million dollar printing press that nobody wants.

      • #55269

        The ads are why I stopped visiting. I would follow links to the Trib and get a massive add with no way to close on a mobile. I don’t understand why advertising is this way. I don’t look at your ad or buy your products. In fact I probably avoid Les Schwabs and other crap because of their ads. 

    • #55270

      I don’t know why they price the online subscription so high.   They’d probably do better with a much more modest electronic subscription fee, especially with the presence of a direct competitor offering “free” content.

      • #55271

        What should provide tiered amounts. $4.99 a month for the stories from the past 48 hours. 

        $9.99 for the past year. 

        14.99 for all access. 

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