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So at this point are we hoping there is no football for anyone in the Fall?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football So at this point are we hoping there is no football for anyone in the Fall?

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    • #128110
      Larry B

      If there is, which players could we see transferring? BYU fans are already getting hyped up over a Tweet that implies Covey might possibly head South.

    • #128111
      3 3

      My concern with schools playing in the Fall is that it’s too soon.  Earlier this week, the Chief Medical Officer of the NCAA warned all schools that it’s not yet safe to play.  Nevertheless, just over 50% of all FBS teams are opting to play anyway.  The consequences of them playing could increase the spread of the disease, making it worse in the Spring when the Pac-12, BigTen, MWC, and MAC were planning to play theirs and our season.  And if it’s worse in the Spring, there won’t be one.  We could lose our Spring season because the SEC, ACC, and Big 12 were more concerned about $$$ than highly possible links to myocarditis.

      P.S.:  The zoobs have been hyping up Covey’s transfer to ybU-p every year, ever since he’d left on his mission.  Zoobs can’t discern “fact” from “wishful thinking”.  And that’s no joke.  I’m saying this as a former ybU-p student.  I attended there back in ’89-’90, and back then, they were widely seen as the “Harvard of the West” (eat your heart out Stanford, Cal, UCLA, USC, and UWa), their alumni were all in high demand in every field, they were in secret negotiations to join the Pac-10, and had all the pieces in place for a run at another football national championship.

    • #128115
      10 1

      I’d rather see someone play than no one. I’m still sick about our lost season.

      • #128119

        Agree 100%, Dallas.  As disappointed as I am about the Utes’ lost season, I’ll still believe it when I see it when it comes to the ACC, SEC & Big XII getting through an entire season.  And by the way, good on BYU-Provo for hanging in there.  They’re just trying to survive in this crazy environment we live in right now.  They’ll enjoy a decent season with their horrible schedule.  No one will care except their fans…. f*** ’em.

        • #128135
          5 4

          There are only two possible outcomes for schools that play football this fall (including BYU-Provo):
          1. They get a bunch of COVID cases and miss part/most of the season.
          2. They get a bunch of COVID cases, keep it under wraps, and there’s hell to pay when the truth finally emerges.

          I know it feels bad now, but history will show that postponing until spring 2021 was the right decision.

          • #128138
            6 2

            No there is another possibility.  Just like in so many essential businesses they could take similar or better precautions and achieve acceptable results.  It will be done in literally a million other environments with fewer resources including your corner grocery store.  Many others must or chose to push thru taking the best care that is reasonable.  I get that there is contact and lack of social distancing; however, if there is a reasonable firewall between the players and staff as a whole apart from the general population, they have done their part.  Will it be perfect, no?  Will it be that different than the other options for athletes, maybe not?  I expect some schools will have breakdowns; some may do better than the general population.  I think the civil unrest has played a key part and is even more unpredictable than covid-19.  Let us hope that there will be a good example from the schools playing that show responsibility and determination together.  This is important because this year will not be the only challenge.  What happens next either encourages more disruption if it is effective or sends the signal that we push aside obstacles that may stop some.

            • #128144
              1 3

              Sorry but the odds of that possibility are almost zero. I run a medical manufacturing business that has stayed open during COVID, and even with a payroll of nothing but adults and insanely strict hygiene protocols, we’ve had a couple times where 10% of our workforce had an active COVID case.

              Now imagine the same scenario without the hygiene and immature college kids. This football season is going to be a disaster of epic proportions. They’re not going to die or anything, but there will be game cancellations and postponements everywhere. I’m guessing 80% of games will be postponed and the season will be cancelled around the country by October.

          • #128139
            4 2

            No there is another possibility.  Just like in so many essential businesses they could take similar or better precautions and achieve acceptable results.  It will be done in literally a million other environments with fewer resources including your corner grocery store.  Many others must or chose to push thru taking the best care that is reasonable.  I get that there is contact and lack of social distancing; however, if there is a reasonable firewall between the players and staff as a whole apart from the general population, they have done their part.  Will it be perfect, no?  Will it be that different than the other options for athletes, maybe not?  I expect some schools will have breakdowns; some may do better than the general population.  I think the civil unrest has played a key part and is even more unpredictable than covid-19.  Let us hope that there will be a good example from the schools playing that show responsibility and determination together.  This is important because this year will not be the only challenge.  What happens next either encourages more disruption if it is effective or sends the signal that we push aside obstacles that may stop some.

            • #128140

              Have no idea how duplicates occur with a single post.

              • #128159
                Tony (admin)

                Please don’t hit refresh or the back button after posting.

    • #128120
      5 2

      Honest question. Are colleges legally required to blast out to the public every time they have a positive Covid case? I don’t get why ever time there is positive case on a college sports program it gets posted on all the media outlets. The schools working to sustain their sports and school programs should be given every bit of resources and support to succeed managing their effort.

      Good on the SEC, BIG12, and ACC pioneering an attempt to fight the good fight. I hope they succeed and have a great football season.

    • #128123

      I don’t care anymore.

    • #128127

      Covey isn’t going to BYU are you serious ? This would imply that Covey is an emotional fool. Listen to his interview with Bill today there are so many unknowns with everything. Covey wouldn’t do anything that foolish.

    • #128151
      Central Coast Ute

      I don’t think Covey goes to the TDS, but don’t be surprised if a couple guys enter the portal. The Schoolers are transferring out of Arizona because they want to play football in the fall. In other words, they’re leaving the PAC 12.

    • #128204

      I wish all people the best of luck in achieving their laudable goals and dreams. I hope the NFL has a great season. I hope the college conferences have a great season. They should be allowed to decide what risks they want to assume. If they want to play, LET THEM PLAY.

      There is no “consensus” among experts on risks. Some say we can never leave our homes again without a vaccine. Some say the risks are no worse for healthy people than the seasonal flu (for those of you ready to show an example of a healthy person dieing of covid, you need to understand that healthy people also die of seasonal flu).

      My opinion is that the Pac12 leadership failed. I hope the other leagues do great and the Pac12 is forced to shake up leadership. 

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