Utah @  Big 12

So Dallas is doing a bang up job with complience in opening up…

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc So Dallas is doing a bang up job with complience in opening up…

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    • #123269
      4 2

      I really don’t blame small business for this. They have had such mixed messages from a federal level. It’s like lord of the flies out there.



    • #123281

      So I guess that makes Cuban the self appointed hall monitor.

      • #123285
        2 3

        Someones got to do it – federal government has no interest, furthermore, they could care less about how testing is done (exept for daily testing in the White house – that they’re all on board with).


        Should we just close our eyes and beleive small business is doing what they need to do? Of course not.  Again it’s not their fault – they just need some freak’n direction and leadership.

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