Utah @  BYU

So have you guys ever met other message-board patrons?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc So have you guys ever met other message-board patrons?

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    • #7797

      I know that Utefans had a group that would regularly meet and tailgate at the Pirate Ship when Chris would get things together.

      Jazzfanz used to have a Jazzfanz Night Out once a season and go to a game. I went to a couple of those.

      All in all, I’d say I’ve met dozens of people off of message boards (primarily jazzfanz and UF.N), and for the most part it was a pleasant experience.

      Wouldn’t it be cool to get this place hopping enough to all meet at a tailgate sometime, or go to a Utah BBall game together?

    • #7801
      Tony (admin)

      I’ve posted open invites to my tailgate and a few members have stopped by to say hi. Totally agree. Would love to build it up.

    • #7821

      Utefans used to do a summer BBQ. They were fun and well attendend. If we could get enough people together, I’d like to participate in a softball game during the summer.

    • #7947

      I can sponsor put together an away game tailgate for Colorado if enough decide to come over for the game. I hosted one in North Carolina and had about 75 people show up. It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun as well. However I think most of the fans on UF.N from the early 2000s who traveled to away games left that board.

      I’ve met up with JDart at Michigan, Louisville, and Colorado. Before Michigan SheeeUte, JDart and a few others tailgated in their hotel parking lot. We’ve tailgated at the same parking lot for three Colorado football games.

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