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So here’s an idea

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    • #121911
      Larry B

      Instead of people losing their effing minds and buying out stores like it’s the end of the world, how about everyone just buy groceries like they normally would so that normal people can stock their fridge.

      Seriously, I’ve been to 10 different stores since yesterday looking for one package of toilet paper. And now you can barely get food. It’s complete madness!

      I’m all for having some food storage to get you by for a month or whatever but everyone buying it all at once? C’mon.

    • #121913
      • #121919
        Leonard Bates

        The Japanese have had “star trek” toilet seats for decades.  Effectively cleans the front or the back.  You control the spray, the temperature and the water force.  Wash head oscillates. Air drying with a nice warm wind. Sooooo civilized.

        • #121943

          Readily available for years at Costco and numerous other places. They are great.

        • #122005
          Central Coast Ute

          Here in California, people would cry about using more water…

    • #121915

      I’m not a clean freak, but I do religiously use Clorox wipes in my car as I leave the gym.  Of course the lunatics have bought out the entire valley, instead of what they needed so I’m having to MAKE my own.  Everything will eventually return to normal and the lunatics will have all those extra containers of Clorox wipes drying up in their basement.  

      yesterday, I watched a guy at Harmon’s buy about about 20 half gallons of milk… all that was left in the store… guy either has a very large family, a very large freezer, doesn’t mind drinking sour milk, or he’s an idiot. My guess, is the later.

    • #121920

      I literally stood in line at Costco with some items and then my wife walked around grabbing stuff loading it up. The line went to the back of the store. It was actually not that bad of a Costco experience for me as I hate that place. Getting out of the parking lot was a joke because everyone was waiting for spots. You couldn’t reverse out you couldn’t drive out of the aisle. Costco every other Thursday is our normal shopping day as well.

      First world problems amiright?

      • #121921
        Tony (admin)

        I’ve really started to loathe going to Costco. People seem so rude there.  Not the employees, the people mowing you down with their cart to get a free sample of tasteless fettucine alfredo. 

        • #121924

          The workers at Costco are blessed in the head or something. I have never had a bad experience with them. They are always very quick and professional. I would probably go on a rampage if I had to spend more than 2 hours at a Costco. 

        • #121930

          They have stopped doing samples due to the apocalypse!

      • #121928

        How about out of dumb luck you get the last of an item (soft liquid soap w/ dispenser), then you go off for something else, not far and with your coat over the cart, but when you come back in 15 seconds, that one item you snagged is gone from your partially full cart. Yep, happened.

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