TCU @  Utah

So Mike Gundy has a pretty smooth brain

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    • #218641

      So he defends his player being arrested and then talks like an idiot:

      “So, I looked it up on my phone, ‘What would be the legal limit?’” said Gundy, entering his 20th year coaching his alma mater as the highest-paid coach in the Big 12 at $7.6 million. “Like, in Oklahoma it’s .08, and Ollie was .1. So I looked it up, and I thought, really two or three beers, or four — I’m not justifying what Ollie did. I’m telling you what decision I made — well, I thought, I’ve probably done that a thousand times in my life and, you know, was just fine.

      As far as I know legal drinking age for anyone under 21 is 0. You can’t drink and drive period being under 21. So he is dumb as hell even saying he googled it on his phone. But then admitting to drinking and driving thousands of times? What a dork.

      Also the biggest reason it is 0 for under 21 is because drunk driving used to kill a lot of kids. From what I understand it was the leading cause of death amongst that age group prior to the change.
      Forbes Link

    • #218642

      What a dumb ass

    • #218644
      Central Coast Ute

      He probably thought .08 was bigger than .1. They say that every time someone is arrested for DUI, they have done dozens or even hundreds of times without being caught.

      • #218654

        There is literally no excuse for driving drunk anymore. Especially for pro athletes. NFL literally has a ride service that picks them up from clubs.
        A University like Oklahoma State should provide the same thing for “an employee”. I know we are not quite there yet but I really hope Utah does that for these kids.

        Mike Gundy seems like the type to violate title 9 as well. Maybe he should look into how that’s going for Utah State lately.

        • #218659
          1 7
          2008 National Champ

          It’s a pretty big jump from saying something stupid while trying to defend your player and violating Title IX.

          If we’re being honest, pretty much anyone who has had a drink with a meal and then driven has pushed the envelope for a 0.8 BAC. I’m not defending the coach or the player who decided to drive ~ 30mph over the speed limit while moving through traffic. But I have personally violated that limit on at least one occasion so I understand what Gundy was trying to say, even if it’s a futile argument to make.

          • #218660
            Central Coast Ute

            Depends on the drink. If you’re drinking a normal serving, so a shot, a 12 oz. Beer, or a 4 ounce glass of wine. On average, you’ll be .02. Now, if you drink one beer and it’s a yard beer, or a huge glass of wine, or a mixed drink with several shots, yeah, you’ll be over the limit.

            • #218663

              Weight and what you ate largely determine your Bac. Metabolizing alcohol it is generally the same for most adults. .015~ per hour is metabolized.

              For children and those that are not used to alcohol is the problem. The first thing affected by alcohol is your judgement. So once you start drinking the decision to not drive should have been made prior to that. People that don’t drink normally can also be affected more severely.

              Basically it is this for me Gundy should shut his stupid mouth if he is going to make ignorant comments about dui laws.

              That goes for anyone who thinks they know they are good based on having drove drunk previously and not had a problem. It isn’t about that at all. I am sure many of us had made mistakes driving and not crashed. Driving sober helps you make good judgements to avoid a collision. Just like not using your phone while driving or playing with the radio or any other distractions while driving. Anecdotes of having successfully driven while drunk are just idiotic. The evidence at this point overwhelmingly points towards it being a bad thing to do.

              • #218667
                Central Coast Ute

                Correct. And they show judgment starts getting affected at a very low BAC.

        • #218661
          Central Coast Ute

          Even if it’s not provided by the university, everyone has a phone. They can pull up and app and call for an Uber or Lyft. You don’t even have to speak to anyone.

    • #218656
      Tony (admin)

      Foot in mouth.

    • #218658

      Wow what a dumb thing to say.

    • #218665
      Rick Walker

      I’m curious to know what policies around this type of thing will be made once players are officially employees of the universities. I have to imagine there would be a penalty from criminal charges just like most companies have, and with that coaches can’t just turn their backs to their best players off field issues.

    • #218677

      These have got to be athletic directors’ and admin’s favorite scenarios. They are invested a mile deep with this guy so coming out strongly against him or removing him would come with serious pain to the program. It’s a dumb enough statement that they can’t completely ignore it though without looking complicit. I’ve never understood people spending an entire paragraph saying one thing and then throwing a line in like “I’m not justifying what Olie did…” like that changes the message in any way. I’m not sure if you understand how communication works but you’re doing it wrong.

      • #218681

        This guy must be very secure in his job. His statements would get 80% of the coaches in the country in trouble.

        • #218682
          2 9

          Eh. He’s in Oklahoma. They are too worried about conspiracy theories and women taking over and secret child abduction rings and Hillary doing weird s**t and Joe Biden’s laptop to pay attention to reality. As long as OSU wins, they don’t give a s**t.

    • #218683

      When we lived in Oklahoma City we explained how to get to Stillwater from OKC: Drive North until you smell it and East until you step in it. This clown fits.

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