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So the bill isn’t finished Herbert is concerned how the law will be applied

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Politics So the bill isn’t finished Herbert is concerned how the law will be applied

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    • #31467
      3 1

      But he is going to sign it anyway?

      And he is going to call a special session to fix it?  Sounds like business as usual 

      I hope this law waves the one or two lives a year its projected to save in Utah. I hope it prevents property destruction and needless accidents. 

      I don’t think it will.  I think it will send skiers to other states hurt our tourist businesses hurt restaurants etc 

      it I’m a national chain thst serves alcohol I’d never open locations here just because of all the crazy liquor laws 


      Utah life elevated and home of smaller less intrusive government UNLESS it involves sex whom you can marry and booze   Then it’s ALL about control 

      oh well five more years and I’m outta here 

    • #31469

      I agree with your comment about opening a bar in Utah, but do you honestly think this particular law will hurt the ski industry? I’d guess that most people fly into SLC, and take shuttles or Ubers when getting around downtown at night. I really don’t think most folks who are coming into town to ski are looking at DUI laws and thinking they’d better head to Colorado just in case they decide to drink and drive. I could be dead wrong, and this is in no way a stance on the bill itself. Just not sure I agree with that particular comment.

      • #31471
        1 1

        I don’t know if it will send skiers elsewhere or not. Colorado is already airing commercials about it and that was before it was signed. It will contribute to the perception that Utahn’s are weird despite Gary’s statements to the contrary.

        Robert Gerhke wrote a column about it

        • #31473

          Interesting. Utah’s liquor laws are insane, but I think they will change in coming years pretty drastically. As the older generation of LDS politicians fades away, and SLC continues to shift left I think you’ll see these laws begin to fall. It’s unfortunate that the geezers seem hellbent on tightening things up as much as possible before they’re out of office, but I have a feeling significant changes are on the horizon.

    • #31470

      I am against this law, but it will absolutely not hurt the ski industry. 

    • #31475

      I’m staunchly opposed to this law, but I also think that it won’t impact the ski industry in a significant way. Some people will likely choose not to come here because “Utah is weird” (it is) and “Colorado is normal” (it is, but you also have to drive 2+ hours from Denver to get to a resort). I don’t think it would be enough to make a noticeable difference.

      Economically I’m much more concerned about local restaurants and bars, and socially I’m tired of having others’ morals imposed upon me.

    • #31476
      5 7

      The only people who have a problem with this law are people who have more than one drink and still drive. Uber is easy and cheap to use, if you feel like you must have more than one drink, use Uber. If you don’t, you’re an asshole and I’m fine with this law prosecuting you to the fullest extent possible.

      • #31484
        3 1

        I agree that DUI needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I believe that first time offenders where there is no property damage or worse should get a second opportunity to redeem themselves and make correct decisions. I’e you had one too many rolled through a sobriety check point and got arrested.

        We need to target the habitual repeat offenders that cause collisions and mayhem on our roads. Clearly the fines etc aren’t enough. it appears some incarceration is in order.
        I’ve been in court and seen people with multiple DUI convictions walk out of court with fines and credit for time served, usually around ninety days.

        I read somewhere that Wisconsin has a forfeiture law?

        Why can’t we have a graduated mandatory punishment tier that increases punishment with the severity of intoxication, property damage etc?

        That would send a message to not drink and drive. this law the problem children will ignore just like they do the current laws.

        • #31488

          FWIW a high school classmate got four years for hitting two people on the sidewalk DWI on a suspended license.  The judges clearly have leeway to throw the book at people who they think deserve it.

          • #31490

            if you hit people on the sidewalk or another car or a house or someone’s property you should get jail time. Those kinds of incidents usually involve a high BAC according to most studies

            • #31492

              Yeah, his BAC was .16.

              • #31496

                he’s one that deserves it. Did he learn or did he repeat the experience?

                • #31508

                  Pretty much wrecked his life in his thirties, but I believe he received the wake-up call just fine.

                  • #31509

                    yeah well when someone hits someone there should be some consequences, not sure what is appropriate in this situation

        • #31491

          Boy, you really are okay with people drinking and driving. Give first time offenders a second chance? Are you serious? That just tells people who drink and drive they are good to go until they get caught, and even then they won’t get in trouble for that first time. 

          If you really want to cut down drinking and driving, you lower the limit as they are doing here AND you impose really tough penalties(something that still needs to be done).

      • #31505
        1 1

        Boy, you are dumb. I’ve never had alcohol cross my pure, unstained, Christ-loving lips. Not once. Yet, I am staunchly opposed to this law. 

        You obviously have no idea to what this law is and/or what the intentions behind the law are. It’s ridiculous. 

        This law is nothing more than punishing people for wanting to get rid of the Zion Curtain. It’s silly. 

    • #31495
      3 1

      clearly you didn’t read the whole thing. Second chances are appropriate in certain limited circumstances. I know a couple of people whom passed through check points and got arrested. It was a life changing experience for them. It was a first and last time drinking and driving.
      As Utah law is right now they get a multitude of “second” chances! Rarely do people in Utah convicted of a DUI serve any serious jail time, forfeit their driver’s license for any amount of time that’s significant. they get plead down. get a fine and sent out the door.

      You know why 0.05 works in the 100 or so countries that have it? because people there are educated about using alcohol in moderation, it’s part of their daily life in MODERATION
      AND if you are convicted there they have serious jail time and consequences.

      You really don’t get it. for the umpteenth time people should NOT be drinking and driving. That being said having a beer, a glass of wine, or a c**ktail should not be criminalized.
      You and the Utah Legislature seem hell bent on criminalizing what is perfectly normal social behavior in the free world. Cue you labeling people that have a c**ktail or a beer as being selfish children.

      f you really want to cut down drinking and driving, you lower the limit as they are doing here AND you impose really tough penalties(something that still needs to be done)

      Ironman showed you stats about the expected impact, what BAC levels were generally involved in accidents etc.

      Did you read Gherke’s column, the comments from Lee Perry of UHP and the former chief of police?

      AND for the LAST F**KING TIME I AM NOT OK WITH DRINKING AND DRIVING. You seem to think that impairment begins with one drink and that just isn’t true. This new level does little to improve safety on the highways.
      the ONLY reason I don’t have you on ignore is because you come up with some good sports takes but I am done discussing this and anything else political with you because your mind is made up.

      Ironman and me don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things politically or religiously but we can have a discussion where we respect each others view points, maybe learn something new and both feel decent about it. I can’t say the same for after Interact with you and one or two others.

    • #31608

      Does it change anyone’s opinion if the National Transportation Safety Board is recommending a change to this level for safety?

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