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Some quotes about Mormons from the 1800’s

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    • #24420

      “Nine-tenths of the inhabitants are aliens by birth who have refused to become naturalized, or to take the oath of allegiance.”

      “We … shall expect your co-operation and assistance in expelling the fanatics, who are mostly aliens by birth, and aliens in principle from the county.”

      “There should be no relaxation in the firm but just execution of the law now in operation and I should be glad to approve such further discreet legislation as will rid the country of this blot upon its fair fame.”

      “I found them a community of traitors, murderers, fanatics, and whores. …”

      “They are the aggressors — they have been guilty of high treason; they have violated the laws and shed the blood of our citizens; and we think this one of the cases of emergency in which the people ought to take the execution of justice in their own hands.”

      Weird, sounds like Trump and his followers talking about Muslims…not Mormons. 

      lol. They hate us just as much, they just have an easier target now. 

      Don’t fall for this crap. Be better. We know what the immigrants are going through right now. We’ve been through this before. We were driven from the US to Mexico. 

      Don’t be the same monsters that our ancestors faced. 

      Be better. 

      Deseret News

    • #24426
      2 3

      Do they all pinky swear not to rape or murder infidels, even if their imam commands errrr I mean allah commands it, and be stand-up neighbors who live and let live and cause no trouble?

      • #24432

        Are you LDS? Because, between polygamy and Mountain Meadows Massacre, and blood atonement and some pretty sketchy stuff in temple ceremonies…we don’t have the cleanest history my friend. 

        • #24451
          2 2

          Suicide bombing is in its own category of evil. I wouldn’t use polygamy and “sketchy temple stuff” as a comparative.

          • #24469

            Mountain Meadows? I think that fits the whole suicide bombing category. 

            My point is this: 

            Don’t lump a few bad apples in with the rest of the bunch. Just as we shouldn’t lump the southern mormons who massacred women and children in with the rest of the Church. 

            We were driven from the US for being different. Let’s learn from that and not do the same exact thing. 

            Let’s be better. Let’s be Christlike. 

            • #24546

              I agree, and that’s why I left off Mountain Meadows. Was just referring to polygamy and temple stuff. Those practices and beliefs may be bizaare but they don’t belong on the same plane as strapping dynamite to a jihadist and exploding as many innocent people as possible.

    • #24429
      4 1

      I suppose the Mormon terrorists only killed 120 men, women and children at Mountain Meadows whilw the extremist Muslim terrorists killed nearly 3000 on September 11.

      • #24430

        Then why didn’t we block the countries those terrorists came from? 

        • #24433
          2 1

          That doesn’t fit their narrative (and Donald’s financial interests), get your facts out of here. 

        • #24453

          My point precisely a few days ago…with links to verify a country in particular that we should be talking about. Oh, wait, The Donald has business interests there. Never mind.

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