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Some sort of event today in Houston

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Professional Sports NFL Some sort of event today in Houston

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    • #25670

      So what’s for dinner?? 

      Pulled pork is on the menu for me tonight. 

      Also Go Patriots!!

    • #25673

      Pulled pork for us as well! We are also going to have cheesteaks. mmmm….

      This is the second most caloric intake day in the US…behind only Thanksgiving. Eat up you fat bastards!

      • #25676

        Speaking of Cheesesteaks ever been to the Philadelphian in Sandy?  700 E and like 9400 S? If not go for lunch tomorrow. 

        • #25678

          Huh. Interesting. I’ll be in SLC tomorrow. I’ll have to do so. I haven’t had a good cheesesteak since I left Philly. 

    • #25700
      Puget Ute

      I am smoking up 20 lbs of pork butt on the Traeger. First time attempting this! Pulled Pork for the win.

      And Go Pats! (I am a big fan of Matt Ryan and have watched him closely since he was at BC. This will be a great game.)

      • #25708

        Do you like your traeger? As a single guy I’m debating buying one of their small ones.  Wondering if it would be worth it for me 

        • #25722

          I’d like to know more as well. A HUGE part of our decision to move is that the new job will be one week on and one week off. I’m going to need something to do here pretty soon!

        • #25733

          I bought a pellet grill 2 years ago and love it. Mine is a Green Mountain Grill, Daniel Boone model. At the time,it was rated higher than the Traeger and had a couple better features for a similar price . I don’t know if it’s still rated higher but I would definitely look at them. Unless you have a big budget for a made in USA grill it’s a good alternative.

        • #25744

          Traeger is like a convection oven that adds smoke.  My FIL has one and it cooks the best damn food.  We did two beer can chickens and they were the best I have ever had.  

          It grills burgers like you wouldn’t believe either.  Don’t even need to flip them. 

          • #25750

            A buddy has one, he is prone to hyperbole on some things   My cousin loves his. Just wondering if it is worth for a single guy.  

            • #25783

              If you don’t like dealing with water, and all the soaking wood stuff it is great.  I really want one they have a model that is like a tail gater and a buddy did a prime rib on it.   BEST PRIME RIB I HAVE EVER HAD.  No hyperbole there it really was amazing. 

        • #25794
          Puget Ute

          The Traeger is amazing (actually every pellet grill is close enough, they are all excellent). Just make sure you get one with the auto temperature control. Set the temp and go. NO messing, no adjusting the fire, etc.

          The Green Mountain grill has a model with smartphone app that tells you the temperature, so that is cool. Traeger is based in SLC now (originally in Eugene, OR iirc?). IN case you ever need any support, they are nearby.

          I saw a copy of my Traeger (mirror image, actually) at Lowes. I think it was a copy made by Char Broil. The metal was thinner gauge, and it had some kind of crinkle paint on it. I probably wouldn’t recommend it based on my past experiences with CharBroil, but it would save you a few hundred bucks.

          THe pork I made today was ridiculously good. THe chicken and hamburgers I cooked last week were ridiculously good. And the next thing I decide to make will be ridiculously good. The secret behind that is it is also ridiculously easy to cook using it.

          Good luck!

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