Utah @  BYU



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    • #231099

      I do not have a ton of contacts. But this contact is a prominent Utah High school head coach. You would all or mostly know who I am referring too. Who talks to the coaches all of the time. Is personal friends with a lot of them. He told me that some of the D coaches love Sam Huard. That the D and the O could not be more different. They are basically separated and do their own thing.

      This same coach does not think IW is that great or has earned the job. He acknowledges that he may be great some day. And that he’s young.

      Translation. We paid CR and IW to
      Be the air apparent. He didn’t necessarily earn it. SH came in here a former 5 star humbled with nothing and no promises. And has impressed the coaches and players. My guess is IW is playing because the coaches don’t want him to leave. They want to maximize there investment. I don’t blame them. But for Utah football who has established themselves on “all in or in the way” and “we don’t become you you become us” it is having a negative effect on the players who don’t believe anymore. Why play hard if you don’t believe.

      Bye week comes at a good time. This team hates TDS. Maybe they play hard this game. Personally.

      Take it for what it’s worth. But this guy would know.

    • #231101
      Jim Vanderhoof

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We are always left in the dark and left to speculate what’s going on. Speculation is not a healthy place for fans.

    • #231102

      Huard can’t be worse than what we’ve seen. We need to send IW to the box and let him sit next to Scott Mitchell so he can learn the game.

    • #231105

      Everything should be on the table to at this point for a change. Utah has nothing to lose by trying something completely new. The way the season has gone most fans wouldn’t be surprised if Utah ends up 4-8.

      How do we not drink the kool-aid????

    • #231106

      I’ve always believed when leaders like CEOs, presidents of companies, businesses or organizations don’t want to disclose information or be transparent with its employees, customers/clients, team members and/or fanbase because of corrupt or damning business practices that could hurt a company, that tells me they are doing shady and nefarious things behind the scenes that’s not good or in the best interest of their company/business and everyone involved. This season is the nail in the coffin for me as I have lost trust, confidence and credibility for Whittingham, specifically how he handled the QB situation the past two years, and now the team is in total disarray. IMO, him staying would only hurt the football program even more! As a matter of fact, I hold Whitt, the AD and president responsible for this dysfunction and strongly believe there are more underlying problems under the surface and I think there are some in the program and school admin that should be fired. When the players don’t care anymore, that’s a leadership (coach/coaches) problem. Go UTES!

      • #231123

        I have 2 stories that caused me to lose trust in the public image of Whitt.

        1- a former player said he is completely opposite of what he portrays in the public and not Nearly as nice as people claim. Yes, it hearsay and just 1 opinion.

        2- a family member lives in his neighborhood and they had to physically pick their dog up and move it out of the way from Whitt driving a golf cart and him nearly running them over. He just drove straight at them because they were in his way apparently and he just looked at them and kept driving.


        • #231139
          1 3
          Roy Rangum

          Jshame: I have indirectly heard from 3rd hand sources the same about Whitt. I appreciate that he at least plays the part of a professional in public, but I’ve heard that in private he can also be a really difficult and frustrating guy to work with.

          • #231174

            I’ve personally met Whitt a few times and had the opportunity to play golf with him. I speak even more highly of him as a result. Super nice, down to earth guy. Seems just like he is behind the mic and in front of cameras. I’ve played golf with a few of the players (including Glover) and they like Whitt. Definitely say he’s tough and demands a lot behind the scenes…but didn’t talk poorly of him at all. They say the same about Morgan, super tough but really like him

        • #231166
          9 2

          That is complete horse s**t. The only thing about Whitt that isn’t debatable is his personal character/integrity. I’m not saying he’s perfect, I’m sure he’s come across as an asshole to someone somewhere along the way, but generally speaking, he is a GOOD PERSON.

          • #231168
            3 1

            Yeah, and every person on trial has people saying the same things about them.

            I know you know him personally and have had great interactions with him. Really happy to hear it.

            Others clearly have not.

            Did I say he was evil or a bad person? Nope. I said I no longer fully trust the public persona of him given the stories I’ve heard. I am in no place to challenge their experiences with him.

            I’m completely neutral on his character as I have not had a single personal interaction outside of fan fest.

            • #231170

              So what caused you to “lose trust in the public image of Whitt” was one player’s opinion out of the hundreds (I’m sure more than that) that he’s coached. And then off of someone in his neighborhood thinking Whitt was going to run them over in his golf cart? 😂 That’s pretty weak.

              • #231175
                1 1

                I referenced one, but know a few.
                Consistent themes, but they said they still respect him, but the public image of him is different than reality.

                I also have a friend that played for Coach Erickson. He said the exact opposite and said he was the exact same in the locker room as he was in front of a camera. Absolutely loves the guy.

                Oh, It was a family member that had to physically pick up their dog so he didn’t hit it. If it was your dog, I’m sure you’d be p**sed also.

                I am neutral given that I don’t have first hand experiences, but it’s pathetic that he is treated as a saint that is incapable of doing any wrong. He’s just a human that is very old school and happens to be our football coach.

                Yes, He has helped a ton of kids, but is also capable of treating people poorly apparently.

          • #231173
            1 1
            Roy Rangum


            Whitt has always run a clean program, and I agree, I think he is a man of integrity and similarly bristle when people accuse him of lying about Cam and what not. (While I think Whitt significantly mismanaged the situation, I don’t think he was lying either).

            And my source is only 1 person (and it’s 3rd hand), but pretty consistently I’m hearing the same thing about Whitt: he’s an a**hole. Maybe that person is wrong, or maybe home Whitt and work Whitt are two different people, but that’s just what I have heard.

            • #231186
              Central Coast Ute

              Like it or not, people that run successful organizations tend to be difficult to work with. If he allowed the coaches and players to stand around and yuck it up, there’s no way the Utes would have had the success they have had under him.

        • #231167
          10 1

          This is like ward gossip at a relief society luncheon level 💩

    • #231110
      1 2

      He told me that some of the D coaches love Sam Huard. That the D and the O could not be more different. They are basically separated and do their own thing.

      This is confusing to me. Help me to understand what you mean here? Why would the D coaches offer an opinion on something they are seemingly uninvolved with?

      • #231111
        Rick Walker

        The defense would be going head to head with Huard each week since he’s running the scout team. If he’s lighting up our first team defense it would make sense that some guys on the defense would prefer him since Isaac is not it right now.

        • #231112

          Every year the scout team qb is beloved. Rose was very popular when Rising was running things. I am assuming it is that as well but the way this first paragraph started out it seems contradictory.

          • #231114
            Rick Walker

            The backup QB is always the most popular player on the team.

            I think that’s kinda what is being touched on. It sounds like the defense is as desperate for anything on offense as the rest of us.

            • #231121

              Not with Rising or Huntley. Rose was the scout team qb and looked on highly favorably by teammates and fans. Rising made his fame on the scout team I think as well but coaches went with Brewer.

              Scout teams are running plays that the defense can expect to as well? Sounds like a horrible way to evaluate a QB.

      • #231115

        Imagine being on defense. Holding teams to 14 and knowing it’s not enough because the offense is averaging 12. I’d want a spark as well

        • #231120

          I would say if you are not the coach evaluating the QB room you probably don’t know anything about it.

          I would hope the Defensive coaches would be focused on Barton’s deficiencies. I would say the cause of those points were because of his breakdowns.

          • #231127

            Sure you can say that. But if you’re only allowing 14 pts per game you should win almost every game.

            • #231132
              2 4

              True. But Utah offense needs the defense to pitch a shutout or at most 7 points. So it isn’t typical.

              In my 41 years on this planet I have worked for the majority of them. I have worked in all sorts of situations and while they are not D1 college football nothing can upset a staff more than people stepping out of their lane to work on others peoples s**t. It is the most annoying thing ever when someone that has zero clue tries to come in without any direction to manage your s**t.

              Other than Scalley I don’t give a s**t about the Defensive coaches opinions of the QB room. This story only reeks of the dysfunction that Whitt has someone created or allowed to fester.

        • #231128
          Ute Dub

          None of it matters if we don’t have a run game. Unless you’re Lamar Jackson, it doesn’t matter which non elite QB you are at Utah, you have to have a run game .

      • #231159

        Love too. Huard is currently the Scott team QB. So, he goes against the D in prep. The players and coaches love his attitude, work ethic, arm. Humble etc.

        Kid can sling. But he isn’t very mobile

        • #231161

          We have good (when they try) pass catchers. A giant left handed statue just hitting guys sounds like Heaven at this point.

    • #231113
      Jim Vanderhoof

      Risings trip to the opposing teams water cooler has turned in to the programs worst nightmare. Hard to believe one player would have such an effect on the whole program.

    • #231119
      J Rocksville

      If Huard plays in 4 games, does he still have availability for next year?

      If so, he should get a shot. If he loses his last season of eligibility, that seems like a messed up thing to do to a player. I don’t think he’d do anything for his career by playing out the last 4 games of a burner season.

      • #231125
        Jim Vanderhoof

        Is it three or four games for redshirt. If three let him play BYU and go from there. He gets a win that could catapult his status for next year. Hope is our only hope.

      • #231130

        It’s 4 games and the bowl game is a free. I have no idea if Huard still has a redshirt, but in theory he could play the rest of the season and still redshirt.

        • #231141

          He has redshirted. He has 2 years of eligibility including this one, so he has next year left and can’t redshirt this year (although if he had not already redshirted, he could have at this point in the season – it’s 4 games or less).

    • #231165
      Utes 69

      lets not worry about who can and cannot play next year! lets finish the season on a strong note uh

    • #231182

      If Huard starts, Utah beats BYU, I’d bet my left testicle.

    • #231206

      I think it’s entirely plausible that in Wilson’s recruitment, Whitt guaranteed his place in the depth chart in order to secure his commitment. After seemingly whiffing on Zach, there was probably a lot of pressure to secure Isaac’s recruitment. Being basically handcuffed to favoring Wilson even if Rose or Huard are outperforming him in practice would fit the rumors about Wilson acting entitled and coaches/players being frustrated by the QB selection.

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