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South Champs and Happy Holy War!

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football South Champs and Happy Holy War!

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    • #80029
      War Party U

      Take a deep breath and a moment to take it all in. We’re witnessing uncharted territory, and damn is it sweet. On our new episode, we talk Utah v Colorado, tds, and as always the most half-assed, all heart game analysis. 

      War Party U S1 E13 Pac-12 South Champions!

      Find us on all the usual platforms. This is really a labor of love, and face it…those brain cells aren’t going to kill themselves. Studies have shown that one episode of War Party U is roughly equvalent to spending an equal amount of time at the Pig Bus on game day as far as culling the brain cell herd. 

      Happy thanksgiving everyone, and while there are a million bigger things to be thankful for, we’re pretty thankful to be fans of this squad. 

      GO UTES!

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