south end zone

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    • #91397

      amazing no media source actually explored this, but does anyone find it interesting that magically the height of the current south end zone scoreboard fits perfectly into the design of the proposed south end zone even though the scoreboard was put in place about two years before the announcement?  Not a big issue, but I think administration knew what they wanted for  years.

      Bottom line: build it and it will really help.  Current RES is like a (fill in the blank)… hot model with rotten teeth.  Hot model with cankles….  New RES is like….

    • #91398
      Tony (admin)

      Yes I’m fairly sure I read somewhere the scoreboard was built in such a fashion that it wouldn’t have to be redone when the south endzone was expanded.

      • #91405

        Yeah we talked about it on here or somewhere I believe. I remember talking about it. 

    • #91413

      Similar to the the way that the lard inspired the builders of the Salt Lake temple to leave shafts for central air, I suppose.

    • #91414

      Yes, I am glad those who designed the new end zone designed around the$5M scoreboard. Would have sucked if they didn’t. 😀

      • #91423

        Well, tbh, they could have moved the scoreboard if necessary. It would be a small amount compared to the expansion cost.

    • #91417

      Recruits often like hot models.

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