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Special Teams a worry anyone? Not so much.

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    • #149083

      Special teams allowed a touchdown, and cost the Utes an extra point. Is eight points enough to swing a game against the Utes, say the in-state team next week?

      I expect the coaches with nine days to prepare will have the kick-return game fixed. And one (1) missed extra point missed in the last 75 is generally good kicking.

      Otherwise I think Whittingham held things back against Weber, that next week he will unleash on the team down south.

      I worry more about the USC, Oregon and after watching Arizona State; a little.

    • #149090

      I was expecting good cover teams, hopefully we will still see it. Weber does have an awesome return guy and when we encounter a return guy with multiple return TDs in the Pac, I believe we need to adjust. Kicking away from him, corner kicks, kick short and high to the 25 are all options. A routine kick to the specialist is what Weber is hoping for, instead practice the actual strategies you plan for an all American return specialist. As for cover, considering all the HS guys that had a strange senior year, maybe we still get there quickly. As to the missed kick, a single data point is noticed but is not always a trend.

    • #149091

      Yes 8 points is enough to lose a game for us obviously… but I’m not worried about special teams. The kick coverage issues will be fixed, I’m 99% certain that they will be fixed. Every other kick that guy returned barely got him to the 20. It was a case of not paying attention due to inferior opponent, that’s it.

      The extra point? Unless Redding is a mental midget, we’ll be fine. That is the first mistake he’s made as a Ute.

      Punting? I’m really not sure. Dude looked a little nervous back there TBH.

    • #149097

      From what I saw on that punt coverage Lowe was coming in too wide and allowed a gaping hole plus he slipped and fell so he couldn’t close the gap.

      The next few punts he was on point and even made a tackle I believe.

      Next week and beyond. Hopefully.

      • #149112

        You mean kick coverage? I could have sworn there was a block in the back that the refs didn’t call on that TD return.

        • #149159

          I watched coach Whitt lose his mind on several special teams plays – neither of which were the Td

          We had one player lose track that he was on KO team, they sent someone else in and KW “reminded” him he should be out there

          Before that I’m pretty sure someone missed an assignment. Got the KW special as well.

          Pretty sure we only had 10 on the field on the last kick return. I might have miscounted, if so, I’m sure I’ll be corrected

          Special teams was not in great shape – but probably not the focus in the last few weeks. I’m also sure that it is something a few gassers will fix.

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