Rank the franchise: Empire, Rogue One, New Hope, ROJ, Phantom Menace, whatever tied for last is Solo or Revenge of the Nerds..I mean Sith.
I had super high expectations for episode 3 which is why I ranked it as my very last. I still can’t stand to watch the movie despite when my 8 year old was 6 and would watch it every day. Solo is now tied for second to last. Not that it was a bad movie like ROS. It was a ok fun movie, Harrelson’s character was misused like Del Toro in episode 8. Mostly because Han Solo and the Falcon are two of my most beloved characters from movies and I just didn’t like how they handled them. The acting was poor and the Falcon was barely emphasized. Maybe it comes down to expectations again and they may be too high.
Interesting note. Disney has suspended Boba Fett and Obi Wan pre production to focus on episode 9. They don’t want it to end in a legacy of failure like Lucas did with episodes 1-3.