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Star Wars: Rogue One

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    • #20803
      Wilson’s Mustache

      Went with some friends last night to see the new Star Wars origin movie Rogue One.

      I was immensely disappointed with Episode VII, mainly because I thought the story was poor, but I’m not going to go into depth on that here.

      Rogue One was absolutely awesome. It exceeded my expectations and I had fairly high expectations going in. It pays tribute to the original trilogy beautifully and fulfilled its purpose of answering many of the questions lingering from the original trilogy.

      If you are a fan of Star Wars I highly recommend you go. There is a single scene in the movie that is worth the ticket price alone.

      I had a big dumb smile on my face at the end of the movie.

    • #20804
      Tony (admin)

      Bride of admin and I don’t get to the movies often with a 4-year-old, but we plan to see this one. Thanks for the review.

    • #20818
      Tacoma Ute

      How far into the movie is the “can’t miss” scene? With my luck I’ll prolly be in the can then.

      • #20822
        Wilson’s Mustache

        It’s very close to the end. You’ll know it when you see it. Unless you’re taking a p**s then you’ll just hear about it. 

    • #20824
      Puget Ute

      I am looking forward to going to the movie on Christmas day, and my wife and kids are also excited to see it.

      But this movie looks kind of dark. Is it too heavy and violent for a 4 year-old? Everybody else will be fine.

    • #20827

      I have to agree. I just got back from seeing it with a bunch of people from work.

      I THINK I know the scene you’re talking about, WM. Is it the “chase” scene at the end where the baddy is moving through the halls?

      It really does set up Episode 4 beautifully. The characters are amazing. I mean, wow.

      For those of you that are familiar with Episode IV (which means everyone)… it’s awesome how many tie ins they have to the movie. So many crossover characters. Even some of the characters in the Cantina. It’s pretty amazing.

    • #20864
      Tacoma Ute

      I just saw it. I’m not even a Star Wars fan anymore but I thought it was great. Best of them all IMHO.

    • #20869

      Just got home from seeing it. With the caveat that I’m a massive Star Wars geek to begin with, I absolutely loved it. This is the best SW film since Empire Strikes Back, imo.

      Taking a throw-away line in the original and turning it into such a compelling story not only makes for a fantastic tale in and of itself, but it gives a whole new meaning to hearing “many Bothans died to bring us this information” in A New Hope.

      I cannot wait to see it again. Brilliant stuff.

      • #20871

        Bothan line was in ROTJ.

        • #20874


          You’re right, I are dum.

    • #20943

      This is ar least the second best Star Wars movie.

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