Still Working on Broken App Login

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site Still Working on Broken App Login

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    • #97931
      Tony (admin)

      Something very strange happened a couple of nights ago. Very suspicious. The site was hacked or some files on the server auto-updated, breaking the login function of the Ute Hub App.  I’ve spent a good 5-6 hours on this so far and haven’t been able to nail it down yet. So apologies to app users who can’t login at the moment.  I’ll keep at it and hopefully have a fix soon.  

      I’ve also adjusted a couple of things on the home page to help speed up the site/app a bit.  I’ve reduced the number of posts shown per page to reduce the load a bit. Also I saw a bunch of SQL errors in the server logs which were related to the polls. That may have been where the hack attempt was taking place. Not sure. So for now polls are disabled. 

      GO UTES!


    • #97935

      38 to 20 

    • #97957

      Ha, I just sent you a message about not being able to log in. Ha, sorry but I couldn’t log in to read this message!

      Anyway, does your firewall inspect Layer 7? You may be able to mitigate some of these attacks with a different firewall.

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