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Stop complaining about the officials

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Stop complaining about the officials

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    • #82579
      3 5

      yes it was PI. 

      Here’s an idea how bout you put yourself in a position where you don’t have to rely on someone who’s not very good at his job(pac12 football officials)to help you be successful at yours

      whit and offense go together like crap and kool-aid


    • #82581

      This. We can’t control the refs, no use worrying about them. 

      We have to take responsibility. Don’t allow yourself to be in a targeting situation. Assume you won’t get the PI call and make the catch. Win 10 games so no one else has any control over what bowl game you fall to. 


    • #82582
      2 2

      Can’t agree more.  Sooo zoobish to moan about play calls

      Image result for standing ovation gif

    • #82585

      Agree…man, give UW credit. All season long though most of the Ute receivers struggled to get separation on their routes. Not sure if it’s coaching, the route scheme or what. I am sure a combination of not very talented WRs and coaching. The dropped passes all season did not help.

    • #82588
      2 1
      BJA 13

      Yep.  Playing the victim card is weak. 

      As good as our defense played, our offense couldn’t have been much worse. 

      The worst offensive game of the season.

      They essentially scored -4 points.  (Negative 4)

      QBR  was 9.3

      Turned the ball over 3 times.  

      188 total yards

      4-12 on 3rd down

      Dropped passes

      Poor blocking.

      Clock management

      Sack at end of the first half



    • #82589

      Expressing frustration with the officials because it was a horrible non-call and arguing that the single call cost Utah the game are very different things.

      I’ll continue to do the former, and agree with you that the latter is stupid.

    • #82590

      I don’t hear anybody claiming that the officials lost the game for us. All I’ve heard is that we lost a chance to win the game because of them, which is the truth. Most of those comments are followed up with complaints about the fluke play, and complements to both defenses. What is wrong with that? It’s all completely factual.

    • #82609

      It was probably PI, but you simply aren’t going to get that call in that situation.

      • #82640
        Tacoma Ute

        Situation shouldn’t matter. If it’s an obvious PI it should be called.

    • #82662

      Don’t tell me my business.

    • #82736
      Puget Ute

      The league is extremely screwed up with reffing. It is scandalous and is costing teams and the league a s**t ton of money by keeping WSU out of a NY6 game. That is a legit point.

      The non-call last night didn’t lose the game for us, buy it was another nail in the coffin of the trust in PAC-12 reffing. 

      The good news is both Utah and UW fans were very emphatically booing Larry Scott last night.

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