Welcome to Ute Hub › Forums › Misc › Stopping by to say hello!
I see some old friends from uf.n are here. Hello LeftyJace. How bout those undefeated Red Rocks!!
Welcome to Ute Hub. Glad to have you here. It’s a great community here. Enjoy.
Go Red Rocks! I remember you from UfN. Welcome! We need more Red Rocks post here. They’re amazing this year even with two season ending injuries.
Hi Lady! You are awesome, please post more often.
Puget my good friend!!!!!
Yes! Tough meet against ucla coming up!
Tacoma!! How are you? Now I can see your avatar pic clear. Ha Ha oh, and I had pineapple on my pizza the other day. From the Pie. With turk.
Were there little bits of bacon cheeseburger on it?
I’m eating THE PIE right now.
Does your pie include pineapple? 😉😉
Ordered two pies for skiing over the weekend, one cheese and one tobasco pepperoni with mushrooms and roasted garlic. Leftovers!
#winning!! I need to spice up my pizza pies apparently!
O hai!
No! There were giant slices of ham! Good stuff!
Um, I’m not replying right. Ha I’m a bit out of my comfort zone here.
You’ll get it. If you have questions let me know.
Thanks. I’ll have to practice. Ha
Looks like you nailed the landing on this one.
‘Bout friggin’ time.
Bwahaha! Your name is perfect!!! I’ve missed you. 😉😉
Hi 🙂
Decided to take your advice and stop by!
Lady, you are always welcome here. Nice to see you! 🙂 St George Ute – aka 4everutefan
The new names are going to be crazy to get used to! Good to see you 4everutefan. Lol