Stupid questions

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    • #2721

      1). Is there an ignore user function, and if so where?
      2). From the new posts or activity stream, is there a way to click on the post that takes you directly to the new post rather than top of the topic?
      3) In the recent posts listing there are gray or green exclamation point icons next to each post. What do those mean? Is there a way to put an icon next to each post that signifies the category?
      4) Is there any chance for having a top topics list based on favorites/upvotes?


    • #2722

      So when I am in Recent Posts, I click on the amount of time since the last post and it will link my directly to that post. Green means there is a new post since you last viewed the post.

    • #2723
      Tony (admin)

      Actually they are good questions. As the site is so new, many features are being tested and evaluated. I’ll answer as best I can:

      1. Not yet. I believe it is possible. It is on the list of features to consider.
      2. There is a > shaped icon in the forum list which is “supposed” to take you to the newest unread.
      3. You can mark forums as read. Those icons indicate whether or not you read them. The icons aren’t great. Hard to tell the difference between them. I’ll work on them later.
      4. That’s a new suggestion. Anything is possible. Hound me later about it if I forget to look into it!

      Welcome to Ute Hub and GO UTES.

    • #2726

      Thanks; I forgot a few others.
      5. When a post has 3 “likes” and I like that post, it then shows up as “you liked this (1)” which means you no longer can see how many likes the post received. Not a big deal, but sort of weird.
      6. Sort of a followup related to number 3. The program is able to distinguish between read and unread topics, but is that the actual extent of what the program distinguishes or is it more granular and capable of distinguishing between read and unread posts? What I’m getting at, is that for an individual user, could you have a dashboard that shows all your unread individual posts? This to me would pretty closely approximate, or even surpass, the stream of consciousness kind of thing utefans has going.Nevermind. I guess that wouldn’t be any different than the new posts function. I guess you would get exactly the same thing if the new posts list showed the entire content of the posts instead of just the subject line. I’d like that.
      7. Are you able to pull any data that shows how people are navigating the site, such as how many people are using the forum index versus recent posts versus activity menu? It seems like following that data would be a good early indicator of navigation options are working and which aren’t.
      8. Will it be possible to ignore entire sections of the forum like BYU or religion?

      Thanks again

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by jrj84105.
      • #2728

        5. – When you refresh the thread, it shows you the new # of likes instead of just your (1).

    • #2729
      Tony (admin)

      5. Yeah that’s looking like a bug. Refresh and you’ll get the real number.

      6. The forum engine is quirky and has its limitations, but it is unique and not a copy of phpBB and other over-used systems IMO.

      7. Not easily. I have server level stats which will show most popular URLS and such, but not easy to access.

      8. The beauty of the forum format is you can go to the index and click on “football” and never expose yourself to the BYU category. No need for an ignore in that workflow. I get the UFN ignore concept though, and that’s still something possible for later on.

    • #2730

      can you set default settings so that threads display newest to oldest instead of the other way around, to that the newst post is at the top of the thread.

    • #2734
      Tony (admin)

      Under the forum menu you will find “Recent Posts.” It does what you are asking @concerned.
      Recent Posts

    • #2741

      I go to recent posts, and when I click on the thread, it pops up oldest on top. Can you get the whole thread reordered newest to oldest? or am I doing something wrong. TIA.

    • #2754
      Tony (admin)

      It’s recent posts that we are talking about showing newest to oldest. The individual thread displays sequentially as far as I know that isn’t changeable right now.

    • #3432

      My profile picture won’t upload. 250×250, png. Anything I’m missing? Thanks.

    • #3442
      Tony (admin)

      My profile picture won’t upload. 250×250, png. Anything I’m missing? Thanks.

      Not sure. My profile pic is a PNG. Maybe make sure there are no spaces in the name. Is there an error message?

    • #3444
      Tony (admin)

      Wow I found an error. @joefan I disabled a site feature which was causing problems, then was able to upload an avatar for you. Try it now.

    • #4890
      Tony (admin)
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