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The Jimmer coming back to the nba.
They want to finish bottom three so badly. They currently sit in second worst and have been winning games they shouldn’t.
It’s basically a 10-game tryout for him. I highly doubt they keep him for the second year of the option they have.
seems like a marketing ploy by the Suns. 100k mormons in the Phoenix area, sign Jimmer and the Suns can sell 25 extra tickets a night for their remaining home games
I don’t buy this because we all know the whole Mormons are tds fan theory is s**t.
‘cept they will only buy discounted Groupon tickets
And free hot dog night. Preferably if they could feed their entire brood.
I always loved Lavell Edwards quote about Mormons going the the Holaday Bowl, he said something like,
“they show up with two things in thier pockets, a 50 dollar bill, and a copy of the ten commandments, and they leave town having broken neither”.
And he knew what he was talking about 🙂
Well they can’t get any worse 😂
Ploy to get more of those draft lottery balls?