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Thank god for liberal states, with healthy businesses to cover these costs

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Politics Thank god for liberal states, with healthy businesses to cover these costs

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    • #28020
      5 1

      NYC is paying 1 million a day to protect Trump and his family

      Man, what would we do as a country if all our states were like red states, no population, no business, running half a billion out of their state so they can show who is boss….? 

      We’d be screwed. Thank God for blue states with big companies who are willing to pay their taxes so we can afford all this. Let’s all pray that they never secede from the union. We’d all be screwed if that happened.

    • #28024

      Fun fact: if California were a country, it would rank as the 6th largest economy in the world.  Yeah, those liberals are all whiny crybabies who only want handouts and don’t contribute to economic greatness.  It has be true, I read it on Drudge and Blaze.

      • #28027

        California would flourish if they left. They pay way more into the system than they get from it. 

        Oh, and California leaving would cripple our economy. 

        • #28048

          Yeah, but Civil War 2 would happen and CA would become like the south for generations. 

          • #28051

            I know I’m gonna hate myself for asking this but why would civil war two happen? 

            Wife #3 bring me some Porter Fire to sip while I relax 

            • #28075

              If California tried to secede from the Union? You really think the Us would allow that.

              • #28086

                That’s different than civil war.  You really thnk that it would result in military action, which is what a civil war generally is right? 

                Now whether the US lets that happen is a different conversation isn’t it?

              • #28236
                Puget Ute

                Doesn’t California have an ‘out clause’ explicitly written into their article of statehood (whatever it is called)? I moved away from California a long time ago and can’t explicitly remember the particulars, but IIRC they can vote to secede with something like a 3/4 vote in the state legislature (which is exceptionally unlikely).

                I think Texas is the only other state that could also get away with it.

        • #28074

          I live in California and the state is dysfunctional.  

          We expend billions of dollars on a high speed rail that goes from nowhere to nowhere while our Oroville Dam that provides water for the rest of state has been in disrepair for decades.  Repair could cost $200 million.  

          We allow tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants to cross the border that according to the National Acadamy of Sciences reports “…illegal border-crossers shows a net fiscal drain of $74,722 per illegal crosser.”  

          The Sacramento Bee reports that “About 5 million Californians left between 2004 and 2013. Roughly 3.9 million people came here from other states during that period, for a net population loss of more than 1 million people.”  

          One of the previous posters referred to California as the 6th largest economy in the world.  Since I’ve lived here we, we’ve dropped from a higher ranking.  

          The the eductational community and body politic tries to legislate teaching Russian hacking in our educational cirricula, allows professors at Orange County Community College to declare that the presidential election was an act of terrorism and allows the University of California at Berkeley campus to burn down.

          What’s there not to like about California?

          • #28085
            Tony (admin)

            What’s there not to like about California?


        • #28087
          Tony (admin)

          If California seceded we could put up a wall and make them pay for it. Then maybe that would mean less Californians would be moving to Utah and bringing their gangs and traffic with them.

    • #28084
      1 5

      What you fail to understand, most of the liberals do not work in business. They work in safe space jobs in the public sector like teachers, public service, etc. Those jobs are paid for by tax revenue from businesses and those working for businesses. And for the record, there’s been a net outflow of business from California because the costs are so high.

      California’s skyrocketing housing costs, taxes prompt exodus of residents

      Eventually, enough people and business will leave such that they can’t pay for the unfunded pensions of public service workers and California will be forced into bankruptcy. Don’t count on the liberal voting blocks from LA County and the Bay Area. In LA County that’s all Mexicans who don’t have two pesos to rub together. In the Bay area it’s all a bunch of unproductive liberal freaks. The productive folks live in the burbs and commute into the City. They’re mostly conservative.

      • #28089

        What you fail to understand, most of the liberals do not work in business. They work in safe space jobs in the public sector like teachers, public service, etc. Those jobs are paid for by tax revenue from businesses and those working for businesses. And for the record, there’s been a net outflow of business from California because the costs are so high.

        According to the 2015 census, there are 336,495 public sector employees in California. You can see a breakdown of exactly how many were employed in each category (public safety, transportation, education, etc.) on this site (scroll down on the “geographic area name” field on the left side until you hit CA. The very first line is “Total – All Government Employment Functions”).

        At that same time period (2015), California had 38.8 million residents. By my math, that means “safe space” public sector jobs account for about 1% of the population.

        Can you help me understand where the rest of this “most of liberals” that you mention work in public sector come from? Perhaps there’s other data I’m missing.

        • #28118

          Given that there are so few public service jobs, then how is it that their pension problems are entirely out of control:

          Tech sector draws employees from the liberal Bay area. Tech has been moving out to Texas and polluting Austin with their liberal views and lifestyles, only down there it’s contained.

          • #28120

            I don’t know the answer to your pension question, but have to ask. Was it difficult to move those goalposts so far all by yourself?

            • #28189

              Ask yourself why is it that Illinois and California have chronic deficit problems and massive unfounded public sector pension deficits? It’s because both are
              Liberal and both are beholden to unions.

      • #28090
      • #28091

        Yeah, no:

        And San Francisco is full of liberal millionaires. You simply cannot afford to live in the city if you aren’t very highly paid. Even historically impoverished areas such as Fillmore and Hunter’s Point have been overrun by tech workers. The tech sector gave far more money to Sanders and Clinton than to the GOP in this last election.

        Once again you are generalizing all people who think differently than you and pigeonholing them according to your own prejudices. You, and those who think like you, are a huge part of the problem here.

        • #28187
          2 1

          Half our team works in SF. Those that live in SF rent and they don’t have two nickels to rub together. To say that SF is full of liberal millionaires is a stretch. If they are millionaires it’s because they own real estate and have for awhile. Most of the wealthy live outside of SF because it is a rat hole. They commute from places like Marin. The further out you go the more Red it gets.

          Fact: if you eliminate LA County and New York City, Trump won the popular vote by 2+ million. Liberals are all butt hurt because they lost. Problem is, they ignored their base. They also stupidly thought that the popular vote wins it.

          Trump is busy draining the swamp of legacy bureaucrats from the Obama and Clinton Administrations. He will cut billions in spending in the process. Lot of fat cats will be in unemployment lines.

          It’s a beautiful thing cleaning up this mess.

    • #28192
      5 2

      Fact: if you eliminate LA County and New York City, Trump won the popular vote by 2+ million.

      “Guys, if you disregard the first quarter, BYU easily wins that game!”

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