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The 2-6 time slot on ESPN 700 – some help for an insomniac Ute

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    • #99129

      There is no media category, so…

      Many have commented in the past two weeks about the change of personalities during the 2-6 PM time slot on ESPN700.  Most liked Ben, many disliked Gunther, and very few were in favor of “The Return of Checketts”.  I commented that I never cared for Checketts, and did not want to have fulltime NBA centric discussions, but would keep an open mind.

      I am a long-time ardent supporter of ESPN700, and Bill Riley.  As the voice of the Utes and the voice of RSL, Riley runs a station that promotes the only sports about which I am passionate: Utah Football, Utah Basketball, and (a very distant third) RSL.

      I am a software professional who travels for business almost weekly, and therefore NEED to get my sports radio content via the web.  Often on airplanes, in hotels with sketchy WIFI, etc.  I go to a lot of effort to download the day’s interesting interviews (with embedded commercials) via the ESPN website, to my laptop for playback late at night when I finally get the chance to try to sleep.  With all the time zone changes, the software industry stress, and my general insomnia, I need the content to help relax and get through the night.

      Now my complaint:

      Riley, good at what he does, produces a lot of valuable Ute (and RSL) content, and his producer make it all available quickly, on their website, and downloadable.  THANK YOU!!!

      I have no idea what Checketts is saying, nor whether he is making an attempt to give us Ute coverage, because:


      I have no idea what he’s doing or saying!

      JP – his producer, always posted all of his previous program (Gunther and Ben) content in a format on the web site that allowed downloading.  I have no idea whether JP got lazy when Checketts took over, or perhaps Checketts, has a problem with podcast style distribution of content, but what ever the case, you mjust be online to replay anything.

      I’m officially giving up on ESPN700, and have abandon the station that I have religiously tagged as number one on my media list for perhaps a decade.

      I need a source of downloadable content that I can depend upon, and the search should not take too long – there is a LOT of good content out there in podcast style distrbution.


      Bye Bill!





    • #99130
      Wilson’s Mustache

      I’m in almost the exact situation. I travel weekly and I like to download podcasts when I can and listen to them on the plane. This is a real bummer if they just stopped uploading them because of the change over. I’m hoping that its maybe something that got overlooked in the transition.

      • #99140

        Gunther’s know-it-all style was annoying to me. He could never seem to admit he was wrong. I just didn’t like listening to him.  I don’t like Checketts much better, but I will give him a chance. Maybe he will take a different direction on 700. I am not really very interested about his life in New York and his NBA ties. ESPN 700 is the home of the Utes, not the Jazz.

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