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the color commentator on that last foul on Gach was absolutely out of his head

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Basketball (Men) the color commentator on that last foul on Gach was absolutely out of his head

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    • #121635

      It was absolutely a foul. Although a s**tty one that “decided” the game and not how you want to see a game end..but thats besides the point, ultimately

      He starts by lamenting that it just “wasnt a foul” but then, after showing the defender is clearly underneath Gach when he lands (prototypical foul in todays basketball) he starts to go on about how the defender “went straight up” which was incredibly off base. Gach shot that ball falling 2 feet to his left. If the defender can go straight up and still wind up right underneath Gach you gotta explain that equation to me. Also, the clear video evidence of the takeoff point being several feet from the landing point. 

      we got a favorable call late in the game against battey for sure. It seemed like every call after that the commentators just rode the awful call on colorado narrative. 

    • #121637

      It’s funny how they debate easy calls in college like Targeting and this. Which professionally they are easily called and very little debate. 

      Gach’s ACL’s are like am I a joke to you commentators?

    • #121638

      Additionally the step back Gach made to make it 68-64 I think is why the call was made. Gach didn’t get the call on that either where he couldn’t land.

    • #121654

      Well, on the inbound play just before Gach took a charge that was called wrong the other way. On the 3 pointer, from in the arena, the defender slid down Gach and landed easily a foot past and inside his feet. I am sure the Colo. coach tells his player he was much, much too aggressive on a 3 pointer at that point in the game. All in all, Colo does not have a complaint.

      • #121668

        agreed on the charge. The announcers were stuck on whether it was a travel or not but gach had position and that was a charge

    • #121690

      It was a foul, plain and simple.  The color guy just made a complete ass out of himself because what he was saying was not supported by the replay video at all.  I really wish commentators would just shut the hell up about second guessing fouls, especially when they are wrong and won’t admit it.

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