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The future of sports TV is streaming

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Pac-12 The future of sports TV is streaming

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    • #189474
      Roy Rangum

      At least according to ESPN as reported by the Wall Street journal (below). While I’ll concede that PAC12 exposure could be hurt if we are too far ahead of the curve and go to all streaming before the rest of the world is there. But – sooner or later, this is the future, and I’m fine with jumping on it now if it gives us the most money:

      “ESPN is lay­ing the ground­work to sell its chan­nel di­rectly to ca­ble cord-cut­ters as a sub­scrip­tion-stream­ing ser­vice in com­ing years, ac­cord­ing to peo­ple fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter, a shift with pro­found im­pli­ca­tions for the com­pany and the broader tele­vi­sion busi­ness.

      Ex­ec­u­tives at ESPN and its par­ent, Dis­ney, for years have said it was in­evitable that the sports-TV chan­nel would one day be avail­able as a stand-alone stream­ing ser­vice. Now, as con­sumers in­creas­ingly cut the ca­ble-TV cord, the com­pany is ac­tively pre­paring for that shift un­der a project with the in­ter­nal code name “Flag­ship,” the peo­ple said. The com­pany has set no firm time­line for the change.”
      Wall Street Journal ESPN article

    • #189476
      Tony (admin)

      à la carte streaming of sports is what I want.

    • #189477

      Hot take that is probably coming sooner than you think:

      Pac12 should just have AI sportscasters and writers for the conference channel. Bring on former players to be interviewed and do the channel with some AI generated fake person. 

      • #189536

        Or better, no sportscasters! Just make a deal and run the unified radio feed, and you pick the team announcer you want or NO ANNOUNCER at all. I would love a JUST the stadium announcer feed with crowd noise!

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